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"This party is wild Taylor,"Karlie said as she was looking around. All of Taylor's dancers, tour staff, and several friends were all there.

"Karlie, come with me, it's quieter in this room." Taylor lead the way into a side room where there were big couches and oversized chairs. A fire was burning in the fireplace and it just felt peaceful. This room had its own door, that Taylor had shut once they entered.

"Go ahead and have a seat. Let me get you a glass of wine." Karlie thought Taylor was being super nice and figured she was probably trying to make up for how she treated her earlier.

After being handed her wine, Karlie thanked the gorgeous singer as Taylor proceeded to sit on the same couch as Karlie. Each of them sat at the far ends, so they could lean their backs on the arm rests.

"Can I ask you a question?" Karlie quietly whispered to Taylor. After she got a nod of the head, Karlie asked, "What's wrong with me? I mean, I know we apologized for how we treated each other earlier and I typically don't like to bring things up over and over but why didn't you want to take a picture with me?"

Taylor couldn't stop looking at Karlie's green eyes. The way the fire reflected off of them sent chills through her body. She so badly wanted to just pull Karlie close and kiss her lips. She was so attracted to her and didn't understand why because they had just met and she had never been attracted to a girl before...well, except for that one time.

"The truth?" Taylor asked sheepishly. Karlie nodded her head. "Well, I was jealous."

"Jealous? Jealous of what"? Karlie looked at the singer as if she had 5 heads. "What in the world could she be jealous of?" Karlie thought to herself.

Taylor could feel her cheeks begin to get warm and knew she was blushing.  She sat up and spun her glass between her fingers, watching the red wine swoosh around. "You and Martha." Taylor refused to make eye contact. She felt like a complete idiot and couldn't look Karlie in the face.

Karlie sat up and reached over to Taylor and gently touched her knee. A warm feeling shot through Taylor's body and butterflies filled her stomach. "I'm sorry Taylor. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. But why were you jealous?"

Taylor struggled with her inner thoughts, "Ok, seriously? Is she trying to get me back and humiliate me. Am I really going to tell this complete stranger who I seem to be so drawn to, that I think she's beautiful and would love to ask her on a date?...... Hell yeah I am!"

Taylor chugged the remaining wine in her glass and placed it on the table in front of the couch. "As I was making my way around the room, meeting fans, I saw you in the distance. You were so beautiful and tall and had this sweet smile on your face. I felt completely drawn to you and I didn't understand why because I never felt that way before, especially towards a girl. I couldn't wait to get to you and find out who you were, what your name was and if you were available because I waned to get to know you better." Karlie just sat there staring at the singer as she gave a full rundown of her thoughts. "OMG, she likes me? She really really likes me."

Taylor continued, "Then I saw you talking to Martha and your face just started to glow. You hung on to every word that she said to you. You kept looking at her lips as if you just wanted to grab her face and pull it close to yours. You looked at her as if she was the only person who mattered. As if time just stopped and you were the only two who existed."

Karlie interrupted and asked how she was able to know all of these things.

"Because that's how I felt when I looked at you Karlie."

Taylor lowered her head, keeping her eyes on the floor. "I'm sorry, I feel so stupid. I can't believe I even said any of that to you. If you want to go find Martha, it's ok. I'll understand."

Karlie began to giggle as Taylor looked up at her with a heartbroken look on her face. Taylor could feel tears form in her eyes and knew it was just a matter of time before they would be streaming down her face.

"Hey", Karlie reached for Taylor's hand and pulled it so that it was resting on the couch between their bodies.  "I'm not giggling to make fun of you, I'm giggling because never in a million years would I have thought that the gorgeous Taylor Swift with ocean blue eyes would ever even begin to look at me in THAT kind of way. I'm really flattered. Thank you.  I would like to share something with you."

Taylor nodded, letting Karlie know to continue.

"See, I always dreamt of being a model ever since I was a little girl. As I got older, I became obsessed with fashion magazines and one day I saw Martha in an issue of Vogue. She was beautiful with this long blonde hair and stunning figure. Looking at her picture gave me butterflies in my stomach. It was the second time ever that a girl ever made me feel that way. People had always told me that I should get into modeling but I never thought I was good enough. A few months ago, I decided to go for it. I got a few small deals but nothing major, at least not yet. When I got chosen to come into Loft 89, I was star struck. Not only was I getting the opportunity to meet you, but I also was getting to meet the girl who gave me butterflies the day I saw that Vogue layout. I guess, I just lost myself for a minute."

Taylor's tears had dried up and she was intently listening to everything that Karlie had said. "Karlie, you speak so passionately about Martha. However, you said Martha was the second girl to ever give you butterflies. Will you tell me about the first?"

Karlie got up and grabbed Taylor's empty glass. "I'll be right back, were going to need more wine."

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