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The next morning, Karlie's phone began to ring non stop.

"Babe, don't answer it." Taylor mumbled as she snuggled even closer to the model.

But it wouldn't stop. Finally Karlie reached over to grab it.

"Hello." Karlie said, half asleep.

"I'm sorry to wake you Karlie. This is Stephanie Johnson, your realtor. I just wanted to let you know we got an insane offer for your house. The buyer offered you 10 million dollars.

"It's not for sale. Take it off the market, please."

"But Karlie, you only paid 2 million to build and furnish it. This would be one of the highest turnovers ever, for this area."

"That's nice. But I changed my mind. It's not for sale. Pull it off. Thanks."

Karlie put the phone back on the night stand as Taylor sat up, acknowledging that she had overheard the conversation.

"You were going to sell our house? But why?"

"Because I didn't think we'd get back together."


Karlie sat up and grabbed Taylor's hands. "I didn't know if we would or not. But it didn't look like it was going to happen. I wouldn't have been able to live there, without you. So I put it on the market. But now it's not an issue because we have a gorgeous home for just you and me and maybe one or two kids."

Taylor's eyes got really wide with excitement. "You want babies with me?"

"Of course I do. I want mini Taylor's with all the looks and half the sass." Karlie earned a slap to the arm for that one.

"I'm only joking babe. Of course I want kids with you. You're going to make the best mommy ever."

Taylor leaned in for a kiss. "You're going to make a great mom too. I can't wait to raise kids with you."

"I was thinking. Although it's not the largest stadium in the United States, Neyland Stadium in Knoxville, Tennessee is still pretty big. It holds a little over 102,000 people. You have made your fans your life for 10 years. Throughout that time, you have shared many personal stories and experiences with them and many of them look at you as their big sister and best friend. I love how much they love you and I love getting to see the love in your eyes as you look out to them during your shows. I think we should invite 102,000 of your closest friends to our wedding. We can even rent out the parking lot for more people to set up chairs to see it on giant screens. I know how much they mean to you and I'm willing to share you with them for one of the biggest moments of your life.  And why not do it in Tennessee where it all began."

Taylor began to cry as she wrapped her arms around Karlie's neck and squeezed her tight.

"You'd do that for me and my fans?"

"I'd do anything to make you happy. I love you Taylor, don't you know that by now?"

"I do, but I never get tired of you telling me."

"We can have people contact TaylorNation via all social media sites and submit a request to attend the wedding. Each person will be given a number. Then 100,000 numbers will be selected at random, to keep it totally fair."

"I thought you said it held 102,000 people?"

"Taylor, are we going to invite OUR friends and family?"

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about them. You really gave this a lot of thought, haven't you?"

"I have. Being on stage is your element. Why not do something crazy and cool like that? Can you imagine how many memes and gifs there will be of us?"

The two of them cracked up at the fact that Swifties have a a gift when it comes to that kind of stuff.

"So, when are we getting married Karlie Kloss?

"Whenever you want Taylor Swift-Kloss."

"I love the sound of that ya know?"

"I know you do. I'm going to have everything embroidered Swift-Kloss.... Sheets, pillowcases, towels, your underwear."

"Why MY underwear and not yours?"

"Because I don't wear any."

Karlie wiggled her eyebrows before getting up and walking into the bathroom.

"HEY TAY? COME HERE!" The model yelled through the closed door.

Taylor opened the door to find a very naked Karlie standing in front of her.

"Need something babe?"

"Yeah. You."

Karlie pulled Taylor close, removing her tank top and shorts. "I like showering with you."

"Oh really? I think you like doing other things in the shower, Miss Kloss."

"I think you're right, Miss Swift and to be quite honest, I've never heard you complain."

Karlie gave her a seductive smile before getting on her knees and pleasing her girl up against the wall.

The two girls emerged from the shower with smiles from ear to ear.

Taylor threw herself on the bed with her towel wrapped around her as she let out a loud sigh.
"It's only 6:30 am and I'm already exhausted."

"You're too much. So what if I have an intense sex drive. I can't help it. Plus, I'm a model, I have to burn as many calories as I can. Some people like to work out at a gym. I like to work YOU out on my bed, or in this case, the shower.

"Trust me Kar, I do not mind one bit. The skills you have are insane. You can have me whenever you want."

"Oh realllllly? I'm gonna hold you to that."

Karlie put on her panties and began to rub lotion on her stomach as Taylor watched intently. The singer scooted back on the bed, leaning against the headboard as she became mesmerized by the sight of the model. Karlie knew Taylor was watching and decided to tease her some more. She sat on a chair, facing the singer but not making eye contact. She continued to apply the lotion to her arms and eventually her legs, spreading them slightly. She paid extra attention to her inner thighs as she spread her legs a little wider. When she looked up, she saw Taylor's hand inside her towel rubbing herself. Karlie stood up and removed her panties as she sat back down on the chair and leaned back. She took some lotion and rubbed her hands together before she began to massage her breasts. She let out a gentle sigh as she saw Taylor's hand begin to move slightly faster. The model lifted one leg and draped it over the arm of the chair as she stared at Taylor. The singer removed herself from the bed and made her way to Karlie, where she knelt down in front of the model and pleasured her the same way Karlie had done to her earlier in the shower.

When they were finished, they both began to get dressed.

"I can't resist you." Taylor said.

"Good. Because I don't want you too. So babe, how long do I have you here?"

"I have a show tomorrow night in Michigan. I was planning on leaving tonight."

"Nooooo." Karlie said with her pouty face. "I want you here, with me forever."

"Well, I only have 10 more shows and then I will be here and everywhere else with you forever."

"Are you really ready for it?" Karlie asked. "I mean, you're going to be able to come to every shoot ALL THE TIME."

Taylor got up and stood in front of Karlie, wrapping her arms around the models waist. "You're my forever. I'll go wherever you go."

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