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"Ughhhhh, my head. What happened last night?" Karlie just woke up, not feeling too well. She noticed she was still in the same clothes she was wearing the day before and her phone was randomly lying next to her head.

She laid in bed for a few minutes before making her way downstairs. Sitting on the couch was Kimby, who was reading a magazine. She glanced up at Karlie and rolled her eyes as she went back to her magazine.

"Did I do something wrong?" Karlie asked. But Kimby offered no response.

Karlie continued to the kitchen, where she saw her mother washing dishes.

"Morning mom," she said while she leaned over to kiss her cheek.

"Morning," her mother replied without even looking at her.

"Is there something wrong mom?"

Her mother continued doing what she was doing as Karlie walked away.

"What's wrong with you and mom," Karlie asked.

Kimby jumped up off the couch. "What's wrong with US? What's wrong with YOU? We haven't seen you in forever, you came early to surprise us and for moms birthday and you've been nothing but a BITCH since you got here. Something is wrong with you and Taylor and rather than fixing it, you're treating everyone around you like shit. You got trashed at moms birthday dinner, almost falling out of your chair. Mom didn't even let us bring her cake out. She was so upset that she just wanted to go home. Then you got on your phone and wanted to have phone sex with Gigi."

"WHAT? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Karlie yelled as she started to pace back and forth.

"Oh, maybe you forgot that this house is pretty old and has paper thin walls. I heard you. I heard you begging her to have sex with you." Kimby's eyes started to tear up. "How could you do that Karlie? How could you do that to Taylor? She loves you so much and I thought you loved her too. You're so fucked up."

Kimby headed up stairs, leaving Karlie just standing there.

The model sat on the couch, holding her head in her hands.

"So now what?"

Karlie looked up as her mother was standing in the doorway.

"Mom..." Karlie began to cry.

"Look at me Karlie...I said LOOK AT ME!!"

The broken girl looked up at her mother slowly as if she was about to be scolded.

"Do you love Taylor?"


"Are you in love with her?"


"Do you want to be with her forever?"


"Then what's the problem? You have a career, so does she. So do lots of people. You're sitting her sulking because you're angry. But what are you angry at? Are you angry because you love her so much that you can't stand to be away from her? Because you want to be with her forever? Because she's the first face you want to see in the morning and the last face you see at night? Karlie, that's LOVE. For the first time in your life, you're in love. These are your feelings and they scare you and they should because love can be scary. You're giving all of yourself selflessly to someone else. You're putting enough trust in someone to give them the one thing that you can't survive without....your heart. And you're only wish is that they don't break it. Karlie, that's love. It's scary and it's confusing and it can break you down but everything you're experiencing is a feeling that is new to you. Stop being afraid of it. She loves you. She loves you so much that it's as if you can't see it. You're going to struggle and you're going to have ups and downs but you work at it. You don't just throwaway the one thing that means the most to you. This is your life and you can make it whatever you want it to be but it's up to YOU, not anyone else and the same goes for Taylor. If you want this relationship to work, then make it work. FIGHT FOR IT!! My daughter has never been a quitter, so why start now and sacrifice the one person who you can't live without? That's crazy, it doesn't make sense."

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