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Karlie and Taylor had a home worth millions and yet, they opted to sleep in the treehouse last night. It was 9am when the two girls woke up.

"Good morning sunshine." Taylor said as she leaned over and kissed Karlie.

"Good morning babe. How did you sleep?"

"Ahhhh, last night was AMAAAAAAZING. I slept like a princess. How many orgasms do you think we had last night?"

"Hahahahaha, I don't know babe....A LOT!! You were an animal."

"Oh really? Well, I didn't hear you complain Miss Karlie."

"And I never will Miss Taylor. You do this thing with your tongue that sends me to a higher level. I just can't even explain it. You're amazingly talented."

"Yeah well, you're not exactly an amateur. No one has ever made me feel the way you do, Kar. I don't think I ever had an orgasm until I met you. My God, my body is literally aching right now. I swear I can have sex all day with you."

"Well, I'm down for a marathon whenever you want. Plus, we should get as much sex in as we can, since I'll be off limits for six weeks."

"Karlie, your recovery time is six to eight weeks."

"But, the doctor said I can have sex at six weeks and who am I to argue with a doctor?"

"Later.... I promise." Taylor said as she slapped Karlie's ass, making her way out of the loft.

"Ughhh, babe, we should live in the moment and have sex right now." Karlie whined as she rolled around on the bed.

"Kar. We'll do it later, I promise.... in our new bed that's located in our new mansion. And we can try out the shower jets too. If you're really good, I'll even put on a show for you in the bathtub and let you watch me through the fireplace. Come down so we can go back to the house and shower. Then we can surprise your mom."


Taylor drove the two of them back to the house. When she got to the guest house, she stopped just to look at it for a minute. "I can't believe this is ours."

Karlie chuckled as they made their way to the main house. The two walked inside as Taylor was still in awe. The model loved her reaction. It was better than she could have ever imagined. They made their way into the shower as Karlie was trying to figure out all of the jets. "Babe, our shower has a touch screen control panel on the wall to operate it. I didn't request it, so I'm assuming that Andy just hooked us up with top of the line stuff. Oh, there is one thing I do have to tell you. Our security system is pretty intense. We can access all cameras from our iPhones, iPads and Mac... Just like your other homes. But, we have more cameras...a lot more. There is a camera in every room. Now, if that weirds you out, we can have some removed but I figured that since we're pretty secluded out here, I wanted to make sure you're alright if you're here by yourself."

"They're even in the bedroom Kar?"

"Yeah. But babe, like I said, we can deactivate them. I just wanted them primarily when neither of us are here, or when you're here alone. "

"Well, I'll probably never be here alone because I'm traveling the world with you." Taylor grabbed Karlie and gave her a huge hug, not wanting to let go. "I love how protective you are of me."

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