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Two hours passed as Taylor sat up in bed waiting for Karlie to come home. She went to call her but noticed her phone on the night stand. It was after midnight and freezing outside. She couldn't understand what was taking so long and was afraid that something bad may have happened. She decided to call Lily.

"Hey Tay, everything ok?" Lily asked groggily.

"Lily, did Emma get back yet? Karlie hasn't come home and I'm really worried."

"Let me go check. She's staying in the other room."

When Lily returned to the phone, she let her friend know that Emma wasn't back either.

"Tay, I'm sure they're fine. You know they're both dare devils. They're probably just doing donuts all over the field. Stop worrying and get some rest. Karlie will be home soon."

Taylor tried her best to relax but it wasn't working. She looked out the window from her bedroom, to see if she could see headlights anywhere, but she couldn't. The singer laid back down. A short time later, she was fast asleep.

Around 9am, Taylor woke up to an empty bed. She went downstairs but there was no Karlie in sight.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door as Lily, Behati, Kristine and Ella entered.

"Hey, did they get back yet?" Lily asked.

"No, and Karlie doesn't have her phone and I tried calling Emma but she's not answering. What if something happened?"

"I'll go out and see if I can find them." Kristine said.

Behati followed Kristine as she decided to go with her.

The girls put their snow suits on but before they even got to the door, it swung open as Karlie and Emma came crashing through laughing hysterically.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Taylor said in a panic.

"Well dumb ass Emma over here flipped her snowmobile over last night all the way down in that field where we watch the sunrise/sunset. So then, I hooked up the chain that was in the storage box on the back of the snowmobile but we didn't have a flashlight and I guess I hooked it up wrong because when I tried to drive forward, there was a loud pop sound and then my snowmobile stopped working. So, we walked to the treehouse and stayed there for the night."

"Why didn't you just come home?"

"Taylor, it was pitch black and FREEZING. We didn't have a flashlight. It took forever just to get to the treehouse."

"We almost got eaten by coyotes." Emma said. "We could hear them howling in the distance. That shit was scary as all hell. Thank God we made it back. Oh and that treehouse is no joke." Emma looked at Lily, Kristine, Ella and Behati as she said, "First off, there's heat and it was stocked with drinks and granola bars. It took FOREVER to warm up, so luckily there was a couple bottles of wine, so we just got drunk."

Jesus Emma, shut up already- Karlie thought to herself.

"Alright, I'm going to shower." Karlie said.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go shower too. Kar, we still have three snowmobiles left. We'll have to go out later.

"Umm, no. They're going back today." Taylor said as she turned to go into the kitchen.

"She's PISSED." Emma whispered. "Gotta go. See you guys shortly."

Karlie went upstairs as all of the girls went into the kitchen, except for Lily, who followed Karlie.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah, sure Lil. Come on up. What's going on?"

"Kar, is everything ok?"

"What do you mean?"

"With you and Taylor. Are you guys good?"

"I would love to say yes, but I'd be lying. Right now, we're in a weird place, ever since the Kimby/Austin fight. It's just weird, we're not FIGHTING but things are just different. I'm trying to just keep things as normal as possible. I don't know, I'm sorry for my vagueness but it's hard to explain."

"Well, have you guys talked about it?"

"Honestly, Lily, I don't really want to. We talked briefly yesterday and I told her that she chose her best friend's side and I chose my sister's. There's not much we can say about it. I thought she should have stood by my side when I told Selena to leave, clearly, she thought otherwise. Taylor will always choose her friends first. What am I gonna do? Divorce her because I don't agree with her thought process? I'm not gonna do that. I love her too much. So, I'm just choosing to drop it and move forward."

"And if it happens again?" Lily asked.

"You mean, WHEN, it happens again?" Karlie laughed sarcastically. "I'll more than likely drop it and move forward again because Taylor does no wrong."

"Alright, go take a shower and I'll see you downstairs."

As Lily started to walk away, Karlie stopped her.

"Hey, thank you for always trying to be the peacemaker, I really appreciate it. It's bad enough being surrounded by people you can't trust, but you're at least a true friend."

"What do you mean by that? 'People you can't trust?'

"Lily, you were there last night. Did you not hear the questions that were being asked? Everything was practically aimed at pissing Taylor off. I invited all of you guys here because I thought you were all of our closest friends and now I'm not so sure. I almost feel like someone downstairs is trying to sabotage my marriage. How crazy is that? Now I'm questioning my own 'friends.' I'm about to cut everybody off and just live here with Taylor. If there's no other people around, then there's no drama. My wife is pissed at me. Emma commented in the kitchen yesterday about stealing me away if she was gay and then last night, a question gets asked, that she gives a similar answer to. Someone asked me who I would have sex with if I got a pass. GOT A PASS? FROM MY WIFE?  You know damn well that would never happen. Then, I invited everyone earlier in the day yesterday, to go snowmobiling at night and no one gave a definitive no, but when I asked everyone right before I left only Emma wanted to come. Then we get involved in an accident, have to stay the night in the treehouse and Emma proceeds to tell my already insecure wife about the two bottles of wine we drank. Are you fucking kidding me? Do you think someone downstairs isn't trying to fuck up my marriage or cause her to have a nervous breakdown? But what can I do? Make everyone leave and never talk to any of you guys ever again? No. Instead, I'm going to shower and go downstairs and be super affectionate to my wife because I know she needs it. I know how insecure she is and probably how lonely she is, even though she's surrounded by a lot of people down there. She'll probably push me away and give me an attitude, and really try to push my buttons. And it'll work. She'll piss me off and we won't talk for a bit but then we'll apologize to each other and the cycle continues. I know I baby her and I don't care because I love her and at the end of the day, if every single visitor in my house right now decided to turn their back on her, I'd be the last one standing, by her side. So, when I say thank you for always trying to be the peacemaker, I really and truly mean it. And by the way, I don't think it's you, Behati or my sisters who is trying to get under Taylor's skin.

Lily stepped towards Karlie and pulled her in for a hug as she whispered, "I'm so sorry Karlie. It's not fair."

When Lily pulled away, the two wiped their tear filled eyes as she rubbed her friends arm. "It's gonna get better. I know it is."

Karlie just nodded her head as the tears began to fall.

Lily turned around and went downstairs as Karlie took a shower.

As Lily got to the main floor, she wiped her eyes as she made the corner.

"Hey, are you ok?" Taylor asked as she was walking in Lily's direction.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine." Lily replied.

"Well, you don't look fine. Are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm good Tay." Lily offered a weak smile as she linked Taylor's arm and said, "Come on, let's go see what the girls are doing."

Taylor glanced up the stairs before heading back to the kitchen.

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