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Two days have passed since Taylor found out her hormone levels were good enough to proceed with the IVF process. Today would be the day that she would find out if the embryos were a success. The last 48 hours had been hell on her and Karlie. Taylor was unable to sleep, pacing around the house at all hours of the night while Karlie would try and calm her down. Her emotions were all over the place. She'd burst into tears for no reason other than worrying that the embryos failed. Karlie did her best to try and comfort her, but nothing seemed to help.

What made things worse was that her therapy had started on Tuesday and she is to have a session everyday. She wants the help and is committed to continue her sessions, but she found herself unable to concentrate on what Miss Simpson had been saying for the last two days. Now she's an hour away from another session and she's stressing out because she's not allowed to have her cell phone on during therapy and she's worried that the doctor may call her during that time.

"Babe, you need to go shower. You have therapy in an hour and traffic is crazy this time of day."

"Kar. What if they call when I'm in therapy?"

"Taylor, I am capable of answering a phone. They have both of our numbers, I'll just hold your phone while you're in there."

"Ok. Bu-.."

Before she could say anything, Karlie kissed her.

"But nothing. I'll be there to answer the phone. You have nothing to worry about. Now, go shower so you're not late."

Taylor started to walk away but noticed Karlie wasn't behind her. "Aren't you coming with me?"

"I'll go after you, just in case they call."

Taylor walked back to her wife and kissed her gently, "Thank you."

Karlie stared intently at the phone while Taylor was showering. She wouldn't dare tell her wife that she too was panicking on the inside. At one point, she used each phone to call the other phone just to make sure they were working.

"Did the phone ring?" Taylor said in a panic as she ran into the bedroom, dripping wet with her towel wrapped around herself.

"No babe. It was just me."

"Huh? What do you mean? You called my phone? Awwww, baby...were you testing the phones to make sure they were working?"

Karlie bowed her head like a little kid as she responded, "Yessss," almost in a whisper.

Taylor sat on her lap, with a huge smile on her face as she hugged Karlie.

"Why are you smiley all of a sudden?"

"Because I'm so happy that you're nervous too."

"Alright babe, get up. I have to shower now. I don't want to make you late."

No sooner does Karlie walk into the bathroom, the phone started to ring.


The model came out running and sat on the bed as Taylor picked up the phone.


"Hello Taylor, it's Dr. Parker."

"Hi Dr. Parker." Taylor replied as she sat on her wife's lap and put the phone on speaker.

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