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Taylor was going to back in NYC in three days, but I didn't care. I missed her. I had just finished my shoot and had the next four days off. I decided to fly to Nashville and surprise her.

My flight landed at 7pm and I knew she was in the studio, working with Jack, so I headed to her parents house.

"Karlie! What are you doing here?"  Andrea asked in a really happy tone.

"I missed Taylor and couldn't wait the three days, so since I had some time off, I decided to surprise her."

Andrea's face lit up. She was so happy to see that the woman Taylor loved, loved her just as much.

"Well, I think that was very sweet of you. Well don't just stand there, come on in. Have you eaten?

"No. I'm starving actually."

"Well good because we just finished dinner. I'll make you a plate."

They made their way to the kitchen where Scott was putting the dishes away.

"Well hey there stranger. Long time no see." Scott said as he walked over, giving Karlie a hug.

Karlie loved the fact that Andrea and Scott welcomed her into their family. It gave her a sense of peace knowing that they were supportive of her relationship with their daughter.

"She came back to surprise Taylor," Andrea said as she grabbed Scott's arm.

"Well, that was nice of you. She should be getting out of the studio at 10 and should be here no later than 10:15. I'm sure she will be extremely surprised." He said.

"Actually, I need your help. I wanted to stay in the treehouse tonight. Do you think you could help me get her there without her knowing? I'm planning on going down there, after I eat, to get it set up. I was thinking maybe when her driver goes to pick her up, he gives her a reason why she needs to be blindfolded."

"Say no more Karlie, I got an idea." Scott said.

Scott went on to tell Karlie the plan, which she loved and knew it would work. After she was done eating, she took their ATV down to the treehouse bringing all of her decorations. It was now 10:00 and Taylor's driver Paul made his way to the studio to pick her up.

"Good evening Miss Swift."

"Pauuuuul, it's Taylor. Call me Taylor."

Paul chuckled and nodded his head.

"Taylor, I need you to put this on before we leave."

"What is it?" She asked.

"It's a blindfold."

"Ummm, why do I need a blindfold." Taylor was confused and a little uncomfortable.

"These were strict orders I was given by your father," Paul said.

"Ughhh, my father and his bright ideas. Fine. I'll humor him." Taylor placed the blindfold over her eyes, tying it tight before Paul drove away.

Knowing how observant his daughter is, Scott told Paul to make several turns, trying to throw Taylor off as to where she was going.

"Are we there yet?" Taylor asked.


Moments later they pulled into the driveway and Paul rushed to Taylor's door, helping her out.

"We just have to change vehicles really quick." Paul said, trying to keep his laughter in knowing how aggravated Taylor was becoming.

"CHANGE VEHICLES? Where the hell are we going?"

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