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The time in Paris is soon coming to an end. Just one more day and then Karlie is off for a week. Taylor doesn't know how to spend her Friday afternoon. She thought about doing a tour but she would rather have Karlie with her. She knows that her girlfriend won't be back until after 10pm and right now it's only 3pm. She decides to search the internet for something for them to do Saturday after Karlie's shoot, since it's a morning shoot. As she searches things to do in Paris, she realizes that the best idea is right in front of her.

Soon the singer has fallen asleep. When she wakes, she sees that Karlie should be walking in the door any minute.

The door suddenly opens as Karlie comes in all happy. Taylor wraps her arms around her and asks why she's in such a good mood.

"Well, first off I only have one more day before I'm on vacation for a week with the love of my life and secondly, we're going clubbing with the girls tomorrow night. I thought it would be a good idea to invite Ella."

"I like that idea," the singer said as she kissed Karlie's lips. "Wait. What time will you be done with your photo shoot?" Taylor was worried they wouldn't have time to do her surprise.

"They said we should be done by 2pm. We're supposed to meet up with the girls at 5 for dinner and then head out from there. Why?"

"Hmmm, I don't know if I'll have time to take you somewhere." Taylor said as a sad look came over her face.

"Where did you want to take me?"

"I'm not telling you, it's a surprise. At least it was supposed to be. I don't think we'll make it if we have to meet the girls for 5."

"Well, then I guess we'll be late for dinner, it's not everyday that my gorgeous girlfriend wants to surprise me in Paris." Karlie leaned down and kissed Taylor as the singer hugged her tight.

The next day, Karlie returned from work as a very anxious Taylor waited for her to shower and get dressed.

"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?" Karlie yelled from the shower.

"Karlie, just hurry up. We have to be there in an hour." Taylor said as she kept staring at the clock.

The model quickly jumped out of the shower, got dressed and did her hair and makeup in record breaking time. When the two got to the car, Taylor placed a blindfold on the model.

"C'mon Tay, I can't see."

"Ummm, that's the point of a blindfold," Taylor said while rolling her eyes.

"I saw that. Stop rolling your eyes."

Taylor guided her girlfriend out of the car, and lead the way hand in hand.

"It sounds like we're walking on a bridge," Karlie said being super curious as to where they were going."

The singer stopped and removed the blindfold.


"I rented a boat, so we can take a tour on the Seine River. I heard it was the ride of romance."

"I love it," the model said as she kissed her.

The two made their way on to the private boat, where they were met with chocolate covered strawberries and a bottle of champagne.  They traveled down the river, passing the Eiffel Tower where they were sure to take a selfie with it in the background. They passed various landmarks, such as the Louvre Museum and the Notre Dame Cathedral.

"Beautiful," Karlie said.

"I know, isn't it?" Taylor replied as she was pointing to the buildings.

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