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The next morning, Karlie and Taylor met with Dr. Parker at the fertility clinic.

"It's nice to meet you ladies. I hear Dr. Jones went over the details of the entire process but I'm going to go over it again, to make sure you fully understand."

Once the doctor went over the process again, he spoke about the sperm donor piece.

"Here is the number to the sperm bank here in LA. It's one of the best in the country with a large number of donors. Once you meet with the facility, they will be able to give you access so that you can view the profiles from home. It makes it a lot less rushed than sitting in an office trying to make that decision on the spot. Once you make your selection, I'll make an appointment with Taylor to run some tests, to make sure everything is ok, health wise and from there we can begin the hormone treatment."

The girls left the office and headed to the sperm bank.

They met with a woman who gave them a tutorial of how the website worked and were then given a password to access the site from home.

When they got home, they immediately logged in and began to browse. Some donors wanted to remain anonymous but others offered a picture or video of themselves explaining why they chose to be donors. They sat there for hours going through profile after profile.

"Babe, can we go eat please?" Karlie asked as her stomach rumbled.

"Kar, I really want to select someone. There's hundreds of thousands of profiles to go through."

"Taylor, that's the point. We're not gonna get through them all today. Let's go eat and then we can come back home and pick up where we left off. We can discuss exactly what we want over dinner and use the advanced search option when we get back to narrow it down."

"You're right, let's go eat."

Over dinner Taylor mentioned that she had told Selena about their plans.

"Why would you tell her?" Karlie asked.

"Babe, Selena's been my best friend for a really long time. I was excited. What's the big deal?"

Karlie rolled her eyes as she said, "I just thought we were going to keep it to ourselves until you got pregnant. Just in case, ya know."

"Just in case what Karlie?"

"Just in case it doesn't take the first time. I don't want the whole world to know and then constantly ask you if you're pregnant yet. That'll just cause more stress on you."

"Stop being so negative."Taylor replied. "It will work. I'm healthy and your eggs are fine. It will work...it has to."

Tears started to form in Taylor's eyes as Karlie got up and squatted beside her wife, pulling her in for a hug. "I'm sure you're right baby. It'll work."

They left the restaurant and headed home. Once they were changed they hopped in bed with the laptop and continued their search.

"Oh that guy is cute." Karlie said. "He's 6'1, green eyes, muscular build. And he has a video, let's watch it."

Five seconds in, the two of them looked at each other and began to laugh. "He sounds like a moron." Karlie said. "Let's keep looking."

Three hours later Taylor was still wide awake as Karlie began to fall asleep.

"Wake up." Taylor said as she nudged her wife."

"Tay, let's do this tomorrow. I'm tired."

"Karlie, I would like to get pregnant before Christmas. Can we please keep looking?"

"Babe, I'm going to bed."

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