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It was 7am and Karlie just woke up. Stretching her long limbs and releasing a wide yawn, she looked to her side and saw her beautiful girlfriend still sleeping. As she removed Taylor's arm from her stomach, she made her way downstairs, where she could smell coffee brewing.

She was greeted by Andrea and Scott as she entered the kitchen, as they both said "Good morning" in unison.  She offered a smile while rubbing her eyes and responding with "Good morning" back to them.

"Did you sleep well, hun?" Andrea asked with a sly smile on her face.

"Like a baby," Karlie responded.

Scott looked over at Karlie asking what she would like for breakfast. He said that they would normally wait for Taylor to wake up but if they did that, they'd be eating dinner. Everyone laughed at the fact that they knew how much the singer loved her sleep.

Scott decided that he would make the breakfast so that Karlie and Andrea could sit and talk while enjoying their coffee.

"Come on Karlie, let's go sit on the back deck, it's a beautiful morning." Andrea led the way as the two made their way outside.

"It's so peaceful here," Karlie said. "Nothing like NYC with all of the hustle and bustle. I can get used to this."

"So, what did you think of the treehouse?"

Karlie felt her face turning as red as a fire engine.
"It was great, very nice indeed." Please change the subject, Karlie thought to herself.

"Did you notice the finished handles on the cabinets? We had them imported from Italy. We saw them when we were there a couple of years ago and I wanted something to remember our trip, so I thought something simple and little like that, would be a nice memento."

Karlie thought to herself, "Finished handles? I didn't even know there were lights... I was too distracted by my hot ass girlfriend."

"Oh yeah, the handles were the perfect touch. Really beautiful. They looked hand crafted."

Andrea smiled. "I don't want to be nosey, but I have to ask, is everything better with you and Taylor? Did you work out your differences?"

Andrea must have figured out the answer as she saw Karlie begin to blush while flashing a bright smile.

"Yeah. We talked about everything and decided that we wanted to start over." Karlie looked down at her hands that were sitting on her lap. "Yesterday you said that you would never interfere."

Andrea's face turned to sadness, "Oh, I'm sorry Karlie. I shouldn't have asked. I didn't mea-.."

Karlie cut her off. "No no, let me finish. I just wanted to tell you that I know how much you love Taylor and I know that you only want what is best for her. I just wanted to let you know that I don't want you to feel as though you can't offer us advice or give your opinion. I know that your advice wasn't exactly welcome when it came to Taylor's last relationship, but I want you to know that with the decision of Taylor and I starting fresh, I want to include you in that as well. I want a fresh start for all of us. I would never come in between your relationship with your daughter."

Tears began to stream down Andrea's face. "Thank you Karlie."

"I mean that Andrea."

Karlie leaned over and grabbed Andrea's hand.
"I love Taylor more than anything in this world and I would never hurt her. I know that you miss her when she's back in NY or traveling all over the world on tour, but know that when she is thousands of miles away, that there is someone there looking after her and nurturing her. We will most definitely hit bumps in the road, but I'm in this for the long haul and I want you to be a part of the ride."

Andrea stood up and embraced Karlie in a hug as tears continued to fall from her eyes. "I see why she loves you so much," Andrea whispered. "You're a very special woman and I'm glad that Taylor found you. I will always support your relationship and if you should ever need anything, please know that I'm only a phone call away."

As the two women embraced in a long hug, they heard someone clearing their throat rather loudly. As they turned around, they saw the blue eyed girl standing in the doorway.

With her arms crossed and a warm smile on her face she said, "So, what's going on over here?"

"Ohhhh, we were just talking," Andrea said as she wiped her eyes with her napkin.

Taylor came closer and hugged her mom. "I knew you would love her," she whispered. "I do," Andrea responded.

Karlie stood silently as she watched the two  embrace.

Andrea pulled away, "You two relax and I'm going to help Scott with breakfast. We'll call you when it's ready." As she began to walk away, she gave Karlie a little pat on the arm and smiled, as she walked by.

The model watched her as she walked in the house and when she turned around, two long thin arms wrapped around her neck, as her girlfriend leaned up and kissed her lips."

"Good morning sunshine," the blue eyed princess said.

"Good morning to you beautiful." The model always got lost in her girlfriends eyes each time she looked into them.

"So, are you going to tell me what you guys were talking about," the singer asked.

"Ummm, no," Karlie said as Taylor gave her the sad pouty face. "Ok ok, I'll tell you...but not right now.

Scott glanced out of the kitchen window, watching the two girls hugging, "They really love each other, don't they?"

"Yes they do, Andrea said."

He shook his head before replying, "God we were so stupid."

Andrea grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "I know. We may not be able to change what happened in the past, but at least we can welcome our daughters future and be supportive."

"But Karrrrrrlie...please tell me what you guys were talking about now. I'll give you a surprise later," Taylor said in her seductive voice.

The model threw her head back as she started to chuckle. "I'll tell you tonight. I promise. Let's go eat, I'm starving." The model gave her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek before intertwining their hands and walking inside.

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