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It would be the first time since she arrived at the hospital that Taylor wouldn't be by her wife's side as she fell asleep. The nurse had checked Karlie's incision and saw that she had popped a few stitches and a staple, which had caused the area to bleed. Karlie knew that the nurse did the right thing, from her perspective, but Karlie couldn't help but wish neither of them acted up to the point of getting kicked out. The model laid there silently, in pain, applying an ice pack to her stomach as a few tears escaped the corner of her eyes.

Back at her house, Taylor had collapsed on the couch when she arrived. She was so angry with herself for acting the way she did, causing Karlie to get upset like that and injuring herself in the process. She would never intentionally cause pain to her wife. Cara had just made her so upset, with her snide comment. It was a long time ago that all of that stuff happened and she knew Karlie forgave her, but Cara was right. She was no better than she was. The singer just hoped that Karlie didn't hate her.

Taylor decided to call Selena for a favor.

"Hey Tay, how's Karlie?"

This was the first time that they spoke since the wedding day. Taylor explained everything to Selena, from the moment they arrived to the hospital and everything in between, including the most recent drama with Cara.

"Sel, I need a favor. The nurse who is on duty tonight won't let me go back there to see Karlie this evening, but I need to know that she's ok. Would you be able to stop by the hospital tonight, please?"

"Why don't you just call her?"

"I left in such a rush that I didn't leave her cell there. I was holding it in my hands when everything happened and when I left, I took it with me without realizing it. The phone in the room isn't within arms reach, since Karlie never uses it. I pushed it to the far back corner of the table that's next to her, to make room for other stuff. If it rings, she'll definitely try to answer it and may hurt herself. Please Sel, I'll owe you one?"

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll go for you."

"Can you stop by my house first, I'm going to put a little package together for her."

"That's fine Taylor. I'll be there in an hour."

Taylor asked Jim if he could go to a nearby florist and pick up a huge arrangement of roses. She then went to the kitchen and put together a plate of left over pasta and meatballs she made the day before. She sat down and wrote Karlie a letter, while she waited for Selena to get there.

A little over an hour later, Selena arrived and was taken to the hospital by Jim. She was given a small cart by a woman at the main entrance, so she could safely get the bag of goodies and flowers up to Karlie without dropping anything.

She knocked on the door softly and began to push it open. As she walked around the corner, she saw Karlie just laying there, looking over to her side, away from the door.

"Hey Kar."

"Oh, hi Selena." Karlie's eyes lit up at the sight of the flowers. "Those are beautiful, you didn't have to."

"Actually, these are from Taylor. And so is this plate of pasta. She also gave me your cell phone. I'll plug it into the charger for you."

A smile crept across the models face as she thought about her beautiful wife and how thoughtful she is.

"So, I take it that she told you about today's drama?"

"Yeah, she did." Selena replied. "You're not mad at her, are you?"

"No, of course not. I let that go along time ago. We're married now. Our past is our past, I'm only moving forward, not bringing up old stuff. Taylor doesn't think I'm mad, does she?"

"She didn't say that, but you know your wife. I'm sure she's a little concerned that maybe you had a flashback to some of the things Cara said."

Karlie reached for her phone to call her wife. As soon as Taylor answered and Karlie began to speak, Selena told her that she would be going and to get better.

"Thank you Selena." Karlie said.

"Hi babe, you still there?"

"Yeah, hi Kar. I'm sorry about before."

"Taylor, you don't think I'm mad at you, right? I mean, about the stuff Cara brought up?"

"I know you're not mad, but it just hurts to think about it, that's all. I mean, I just remember being such a jerk and I just sometimes worry that maybe you will think about it and..."

"Taylor listen to me. Please don't think that. We've been through so much. Neither of us are perfect and we both proved that on a few occasions during our relationship but you're my wife now. Everything that happened, got us to this point. I forgave you a long time ago and I left all of that where it needs to be, in the past. I love you baby. I don't want you ever to think that I'm harboring feelings from the past. Will you hold on a second?"

"Yeah, are you ok Kar?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

Karlie placed the call on hold and pressed her call button. The nurse who had kicked Taylor out earlier arrived.

"I'm sorry for how my friend and wife acted earlier. Is there any way that you would allow my wife to come back tonight? I hate being here alone and I sleep better when she's next to me."

"I'm sure you do. No one likes to be here and not everyone has a loved one who can see them as often as Taylor sees you. If she promises to behave, I have no problem with her coming back tonight."

A huge smile came over Karlie's mouth as she thanked the nurse who then walked out.

"Babe, are you still there?"

"Of course. What's going on?"

"I just spoke to the nurse that you had your encounter with and asked if you could come back tonight. She said as long as you behave, she has no problem with it. So, if you want... I mean, you don't have to bu-..."

"I'll be right there. I love you Karlie."

Karlie let out a giggle as she said, "I love you too."

Within thirty minutes, Taylor was back and sitting next to the bed, holding her wife's hand.

"You can get on the bed and lay with me, ya know. You're not going to hurt me."

"Are you sure Kar?"

"Of course I am."

Taylor got on the bed, gently, and laid next to her wife, covering them with a blanket.

"There's no other place I rather be than with you." Taylor said.

"Good. Because this is exactly how I want to live the rest of my life, with you by my side."

After sharing a kiss, Taylor laid on her side, facing Karlie as their fingers were interlocked. Within a few minutes, they were both sound asleep.

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