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Karlie and Taylor stood in front of their new home, wrapped in each other's arms.

"I can't even believe this is real," Taylor said. "Like, this is really happening. We're getting married. You built our dream home. When did this even happen?"

Karlie laughed at how Taylor was in such disbelief about everything going on at the moment.

"Well, during the three months that I was away. I spent time in St. Louis. My mom took me for a ride one day, through the country and this piece of property was just sitting here for sale. I knew I had to have it."

"But Kar, we were broken up. You still thought of me?"

"At first Taylor, I tried really hard to block you out. But when I gave the specifications to Andy for what I wanted, I was beginning to intertwine not only my vision of a dream house, but your vision too. I didn't know if we'd make it, but I prayed about you everyday. And look at us now. Who knew that we'd be sitting here overlooking 75 acres of pure privacy, with our 11,000 square foot home, 3000 square foot guest house, our own lake and a river that runs deeper into the woods."

"This is just breathtaking, Karlie. I just can't believe it's ours?"

"Well, believe it because it is."

The two girls made their way back to the car, hand in hand. As they began to drive away, Taylor asked Karlie to stop. She wanted one more moment to look at the house that sat in the distance. Taylor turned her head to Karlie and leaned over, kissing the lips she loves so much.

"That's really ours?"

Karlie smiled as she kissed her fiancé back and said, "It really is baby, it really is."

On their way back to the house, Taylor couldn't stop looking at her ring. She'd tilt her hand to the left and then to the right. She'd make a fist, and then stretch out her fingers. Each motion caused her smile to get wider and brighter.

"I'm glad you like it," Karlie said.

"I LOVE IT. It's absolutely beautiful. Does your mom know?"


"Seriously Kar? You didn't tell her?"

"Taylor, asking you to marry me was the most important decision I ever made in my life. My mom supports all of my decisions, so I wasn't worried about not telling her. I just wanted this moment to be special. I wanted to make it just about US."

"How should we tell her, Kar?"

"Let's not make it obvious. Let's see if she even notices on her own." Karlie said.

Tracy was in the kitchen as the two girls walked in.

"Hi girls, did you have a good day?"

Taylor immediately began to wave her hand as she responded. "It was a great day, we drove THIS WAY (waved the hand to the right) and then we drove THAT WAY (waved the hand to the left)."

"You're so subtle baby," Karlie said as she noticed the look on her mom's face begin to change.

Tracy gasped as she covered her mouth with her hands. Her eyes started to tear up as she looked at Karlie and then back at Taylor.

"Are you??? Did you get??"

Taylor started jumping up and down as she screamed, "YES YES YES, WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!"

Tracy stated crying as she pulled them in for a hug. "I'm so happy for you two. My baby is getting married and she's marrying the love of her life. I love you two so much. I'm just so happy for you. Do you have a date yet?"

"MOM... we just got engaged 30 minutes ago. We haven't even told Andrea yet."

"OMG, I have to call my mom," Taylor said as she quickly pulled her phone out of her pocket.

The two girls went out on the back porch, to place the phone call.

"How should we tell her, Kar?"

Karlie started laughing hysterically. "Really Taylor? Really? You mean you're not planning on FaceTiming her, so you can wave your hand all over the place in an ever so subtle way?"

"Heyyyyy... I'm excited!!!" Taylor said as she began to playfully pout while looking at the model.

"I'm only kidding baby. I'm excited too. We can tell her however you'd like."

Taylor opted to FaceTime her mom, to capture her immediate reaction.

"Hiiiii mom."

"Hi Andrea."

"Hi girls. And to what do I owe a FaceTime call?"

"WE'RE ENGAGED!!!!!" Taylor screamed.

Karlie glanced at her girlfriend and kissed her cheek. "I love how subtle you are baby."

The screen started to jump all over the place as Andrea began screaming for Scott to hurry up and get over there. She still hasn't said anything yet, due to the river of tears that were falling from her eyes. As Scott approached, he calmly said, "So, I take it your plan worked Karlie? Congratulations."

Andrea hit him in the arm while saying, "YOU KNEW???"

Taylor then looked at Karlie as she said, "You told him?"

Both Scott and Karlie started laughing but before either if them could acknowledge the questions, Andrea said, "I'm so happy for you both. You made my day. Oh my God, I have so many people to call. I have to call your aunt Judy because she had a feeling this would happen and your childhood babysitter Melissa... I have to call Melissa. And then there's Doug the gardener. He's watched you grow up."

"Mom...mom.... MOMMMMM. You can call whoever you want, but first, we want to share the news with our closest friends first. We don't want them to hear it from the media. Plus, we still have to call Austin."

"Oh, yes of course. I'm sorry. I'm just really excited. Have you scheduled a date yet?

The two girls began to laugh as Taylor said, "It's only been 45 minutes since we got engaged but when we have the date, you'll be the first person we tell."

"Oh, my Taylor is getting married. Ok, I need to calm down. You girls go and celebrate. But you need to call me later with all the details."

"Ok mom, bye."

"Bye Andrea."

"Karlie? You can call me mom if you'd like."

"I'd like that. Bye mom."

Taylor and Karlie remained on the back porch, while Taylor sat on her fiancé's lap with her arms wrapped around her neck.

"So, why did you tell my dad?"

"I had to silly. I needed to ask his permission if I could steal his daughter away forever and ever."

"But when Kar? When did that conversation even take place?"

"The morning that they were leaving after your birthday. I helped him bring the luggage to the car and that's when I asked him."

"But, we had just gotten back together. You were sure you wanted to marry me?" Taylor asked as she kissed the models cheek.

"Taylor, I've known from the beginning of our relationship that I wanted to marry you. I just needed it to be the right time to ask you."

"Well, I'm glad you waited because it was PERFECT!!"

"OMG, we forgot to tell my parents about the house. Does my dad know that too?"

"No baby, that was just for you. We'll call them later but right now, I'd like to hold my fiancé, if you don't mind."

Taylor giggled as she said, "Fiancé. I love the sound of that and I love you even more."

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