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"Karlie, what was THAT all about? Use what?" Taylor asked as she stood by her wife's bed with a not so happy look on her face.

"Babe, lay with me. You look gorgeous, by the way."

Taylor couldn't help but blush. She decided to surprise her wife with a tight skirt and a fitted top that showed her midriff. "Karlie, can you answer the question please?"

"Taylor, will you just lay with me please? I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

Taylor complied and climbed onto the bed, as she leaned over and kissed her wife.

"Listen, don't get mad at me." Karlie said. "Kayla gave me a shower and I got a little excited in the process, not because it was her, just because it felt good, but absolutely NOTHING, happened. She gave me her number, and told me to call her if I wanted to go to an underground bondage party up in Hollywood Hills. That topic only came up because she modeled in a bondage magazine and I only know that because she was in one of the magazines Cara got me and I asked her about it. And that's it."

Karlie's heart was about to pound out of her chest, just waiting for Taylor's response. The singer just stared at her, moving her eyes to Karlie's lips and then back to her eyes. She slowly leaned over and kissed her wife passionately and as she cupped Karlie's breast through her shirt and began to squeeze gently. Taylor used her tongue to explore Karlie's mouth as she grabbed the side of Karlie's throat, deepening the kiss. The singer took Karlie's hand and brought it under her shirt, wanting the model to touch her back. As the two continued to feel each other up, Taylor pulled away slowly, as a smile came across her face.

"I trust you Karlie and I believe everything you said. I just didn't want you to keep it from me. I don't want any secrets with you. I'll do whatever you want to make you happy....within reason." The model laughed at that last part as she kissed her wife's lips.

"I only have eyes for you Taylor. You're my wife and I'm spending the rest of my life with YOU and only you. You're my princess and I'll do whatever you want to make you happy too. There are no secrets anymore. Those days are long gone. Everything has been put on the table. And thank you for trusting me."

The two of them laid silently together as Karlie kissed the top of her wife's head as Taylor played with Karlie's fingers.


"Yeah babe."

"Did you want to go to that bondage party? I mean, was that something that you were interested in?"

"Honestly Tay, I never thought about it before. But I'm pretty sure you'd look fucking amazing in leather."

The singer had a smile on her face as she looked up into her wife's eyes and said, "Well, a leather outfit can be arranged when you get better. But only if you wear one too."

"I think I can handle that." Karlie replied. "Oh and Tay, just so you know, I won't be getting anymore showers from Kayla. I rather go home stinky than be put in an awkward situation."

Taylor leaned up and kissed Karlie's cheek. That's all she wanted was for Karlie to be the one to put a stop to something before anything had the opportunity of happening. She didn't want to be the insecure wife. She wanted Karlie to understand that she really and truly trusted her and trusted that she would make the right decisions and today, she did.

"So, babe, when do you think we'll be going back to St. Louis to our house?" Karlie asked.

"Whenever you want. We have to get through your radiation treatment first, but after that we can go whenever. I have an open agenda these days. I go wherever you go." Taylor said with a smile.

"Do you regret it yet? Retiring?"

"Nope. I've had such an amazing career and even if you weren't in my life. I just felt it was time. I always said that I didn't want to be forced out by producing music people were no longer interested in and never hitting the top ten on the charts. I wanted to go out on my own terms at the height of my career. I've made a ton of money and have traveled the world. I'm just so incredibly grateful that I've had the opportunity to do everything that I was able to. And now I have you. You're my greatest accomplishment.  I look at you everyday and wonder how I was lucky enough to capture your heart. I still can't exactly explain it or understand it. Like, you could have ANYONE, but yet you chose me. I'm just so lucky."

"I think the same thing when I look at you. I mean, you're TAYLOR SWIFT. You have millions of followers on social media and when we met, I was just a fan that was chosen for Loft 89. It's kinda funny, how you ended up with a fan. Just a normal person, trying to make something of their life. You had millions of people to choose from and yet you chose me."

"Yeah well, let's not forget that you were more infatuated with Martha than you were with me." Taylor said as she started to laugh.

"Oh my God. I know, right. That's pretty funny how things just happened. And Gigi, do you remember that?" Karlie asked.

"Do I remember it? Ummm, yeah. Jesus. We went through some shit, didn't we?" Taylor replied.

"So, tell me about that night at the restaurant when you and Selena were hiding in the booth, watching me from across the room."

Taylor's eyes got really big as she looked at Karlie who was smiling back at her. "How did you know I was there?"

"Taylor, seriously? You were behind that pillar thing and poor Selena being as short as she is, could hardly get a good look. And then it only became even more obvious when Selena showed up in the bathroom at the same time I was in there with Gigi and yet she all of a sudden left without going. You two need not get jobs as private eyes."

"I know, I'm a little embarrassed by that. I just..."

"You didn't trust me and you were insecure. It's ok. I get it." Karlie said. "We went through a lot, but as long as you trust me now, I'm good. And I don't ever want you to ever be insecure because you hold the key to my heart and you have no reason to believe anyone could ever take that away from you."

"I love you Karlie."

"I love you too Taylor."

"Kar, how about the time you tried to surprise me when you got out of work early and I thought you were a burglar and called police and all of LAPD showed up." Taylor started cracking up at that thought.

"Babe, it was SWAT...fucking SWAT showed up. I was almost killed. That officer had a huge gun in my face."

"Kar, whose fault was that exactly? What if it was a real burglar? What would you have wanted me to do?"

"Alright alright." Karlie said. "You have a point. I would want you to be safe and call the police."

"Hey, let's check out our security cameras in the St.Louis house." Taylor said as she logged into the security system.

The two of them went from room to room, moving the cameras all around as they looked at every angle of their home.

"I'm so glad you built this house." Taylor said. "It is absolutely perfect. You had an insane vision and executed it perfectly. I can't wait to raise our children there. "

They laid in bed continuing to check on their home, as they suddenly began to hear bells sounding in the hallway. They thought is was the fire alarm, so Taylor got up to see what was going on. In the hall, she saw several people running into a room at the other end. It appeared to be....Michael's room.

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