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The next morning Taylor woke to find an empty bed. There was no note, like Karlie usually leaves when she takes off before the singer wakes up, so Taylor assumed she must be downstairs.

She made her way to the kitchen but there was no sign of the model. The singer went back upstairs and called Karlie; however, she could hear the phone ringing in the next room, so she got up to see if Karlie was over there. She wasn't. Her phone was just lying on the bed, probably from the night before when Karlie was in their briefly.

Taylor began to worry. This wasn't like Karlie and it was only 9am. The model always takes her phone with her wherever she goes, in case of an emergency. Taylor went back downstairs and called her driver Jim.

"Hey Jim, have you seen Karlie this morning?"

"No Taylor I haven't. But let me ask one of your guards if they did." A few seconds passed before Jim came back to the phone and said that evidently, Karlie left the house around 6am. She appeared to be in her running clothes.

"Thank you Jim."

This was still unlike the model. Taylor knows she loves to run, but she's never gone THIS long. The gym isn't within running distance and if that's where she were to be going, she would of had Jim take her. Taylor is now visibly upset, pacing around, not knowing what to do.

Roughly an hour later, she hears the door open downstairs. She runs down the stairs, to see Karlie casually walk in like it was nothing.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Taylor asked with an elevated tone.

"Excuse me? I went for a run. Why are you getting all crazy?"

"Kar, I woke up and you weren't here. There was no note and you left your phone behind. I was worried about you. That's not something you normally do. And you went running for FOUR HOURS?"

"Relax Tay. Sorry I worried you but, yeah, I went running for four hours. I mean, I didn't run the whole time, I stopped and did some yoga to relax and clear my mind. I must have forgotten my phone. Sorry babe."

Karlie kissed the singers cheek before making her way upstairs to take a shower.

Taylor went back upstairs and stood in the doorway of the bathroom while Karlie was in the shower. "What did you have to clear your mind about?" Taylor asked.

"WHAT Tay?"

"I said, what did you have to clear your mind about?"

"Taylor, are we seriously having this conversation right now? It was nothing important. I just needed to clear my head. That's all. Nothing major."

"Kar, did this have anything to do with last night?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know...the no sex?" Taylor said. "I mean, I really was tired."

"Tay, it's fine. No worries."

The water shut off as the model got out and began to dry off. She made her way to the closet to pick out a cute outfit. Taylor just sat on the edge of the bed, watching her as she got dressed.

"Are you ok Taylor?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Taylor said, not sounding all that believable.

Karlie finished getting dressed and hopped up and kissed the singer goodbye....on the cheek.

"Bye babe. I love you." Karlie then headed downstairs to make her way to one of Taylor's cars, as she left to go meet her mom and sisters.

Taylor just stayed on the bed as she whispered, "I love you too."

She made her way into the shower, trying to figure out what was wrong. Nothing Karlie did this morning added up. It was just weird and unlike her. When she was done, she sent Karlie a text.

Babe, are you sure you're ok?

Taylor could hear Karlie's text ringtone go off in the next room.

"What the hell, she forgot her phone AGAIN?"

She wanted to call Tracy but then stopped herself. She didn't want to be the overly possessive fiancé and she especially didn't want to interrupt Karlie's family time. Instead she called her mom and asked if she could come over.

"Hey Taylor. What's the matter?"

The singer explained the morning events, leaving out what she THINKS this may be all about...the previous evening and all.

"Tay, I think you're overreacting. I'm sure she's fine." Andrea said.

"Yeah, but mom..."

"But nothing Taylor. Stop worrying. You guys have been non stop, planning this wedding. It's a lot. She probably just needed a minute for herself. We all need that sometimes. Come on, let's go out for breakfast."

The two of them went out for the day, starting it off with a little breakfast and doing some light shopping. A few hours had passed and Taylor decided to call Tracy, to see if she could talk to Karlie really quick, just to for a fast hello.

The phone rang several times, but there was no answer. She then called Kimby. She knew Kimby would never leave home without her phone.

"Hello, Kimby? It's Taylor."

....."Kimby? You there?"

"Oh I'm sorry Taylor. I don't think I'll ever get used to TAYLOR SWIFT calling my phone. I mean, your music has been my ringtone forever and now you just called me for the first time and I'm sorry, I just had a fangirl moment quietly in my head. I'm like ready to throw up, just knowing you're going to be my sister-in-law in a couple of weeks. Not throw up in a bad way... I mean.."

"Kimby, no need to explain. Listen, can I talk to Karlie really quick. She left her phone home and I just wanted to give her a message."

"Ummm, she's not here. We're still waiting for her. She was supposed to be here for 11. When did she leave the house?"

"She left around 10:30 and took the car herself. Not wanting to have a driver. It's 2:00 now. Can you have her call me when she gets there?"

"Yeah, no problem Taylor. Bye."

Andrea walked over to Taylor as she saw a look of worry cross her face.

"Taylor, what's the matter?"

"I just got off the phone with Kimby. Karlie hasn't gotten there yet. It's been THREE HOURS since she left the house. Mom, something is wrong."

Tears began to form in Taylor's eyes as her mother pulled her in for a hug. "I want to go home."

The two made their way back to Taylor's house. The singer just sat on the couch, with her cell phone that never rang. Hours had passed. Andrea made dinner, as Scott and Austin arrived.

"Hey, what's with you sis? Why so gloomy? Are you not getting any?" Austin began to laugh as Taylor sat there stone faced.

"Shut up Austin."

"Taylor, I'm joking. It was a joke..ya know...HA HA??"

"Where's Karlie?"

Taylor hopped up from the couch. "I don't know where the hell she is. She left the house at 10:30 without her phone. She was supposed to meet up with her family at 11 but at 2, she still wasn't there. I asked her sister to please have her call me but she hasn't called yet and now it's 7:00pm and I'm worried sick but I'm too afraid to call her mom or sister because I don't want to look like some crazy stalker."

"Ooooooooook." Austin said. "I'm sure she's fine. I bet there's a reasonable explanation."

Taylor opened her hand as Austin watched her intently.

"She forgot her ring."

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