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Days had passed and the media wasn't letting up with the jabs they took at Taylor for the breakup. They mocked her songs and made her the running joke day in and day out. But her fans still loved her and showed her an amazing outpouring of support.

Karlie was getting ready to fly off to London. She had gone to the restaurant every night to see Paige, but she wasn't there. On the final night she had mustered up the courage to ask the manager when she would be working again.

"You must be Karlie. Wait here."

The manager returned with an envelope and handed it to her. She made her way to the apartment before she opened it. As she sat on her bed, amongst the clothes that still needed to be packed, she began to read it.

"Hi Karlie,
If you're reading this, then I'm sure you came looking for me. I decided to leave the restaurant. I was beginning to fall for you and it became too much. I loved spending time with you but I didn't want to be your rebound. I've seen the pictures of you and Taylor in the paper and in tabloids and you'll never look at me the way you look at her. You are an amazing woman and will make someone so happy. I wish you nothing but the best and I hope you find what you're looking for.
P.S. If you still love her, then don't let her go.

There were no tears to be shed, only a gentle smile graced Karlie's face. She appreciated the honesty that Paige conveyed and knew that she was right, she may have very well been a rebound. Their time together was short, but she knew she met an amazing young woman and she too hoped she found all she was looking for one day.

Karlie continued packing before making her way to meet up with Behati for lunch.

"Hey girl. I missed you." Karlie said as she gave her friend a huge hug.

"Hi Kar. I missed you too. I hear you've been enjoying your time off." Behati gave her a wink with that last comment.

"Oh really? And what exactly have you heard?"

"Just that you made a new 'friend' at a local restaurant. So, what's going on with that? I mean, are you getting ready to move on?"

"Nothing is going on with 'that' exactly. She's a nice girl, but no, nothing is going on."

"Kar, what about Taylor? I mean, is this it?"

"Honestly, Behati, I want to be happy. I want someone who wants to be with me, and only me. Someone who has me as their first thought of the day and their last thought at night. I want someone who looks so deeply into my eyes, that its as if they are looking into my soul.  I want to lose myself in that persons embrace. I want to feel my heart beat against their chest and know that's it beating just for them. I want to come first Behati. That's what I want. For just once in my life, I want someone who puts me first, the same why I would put them first. I want the fairytale, the dream."

When Karlie snapped out of her trance, she saw Behati with tears in her eyes.

"Beh, are you ok?"

"That was beautiful Karlie. You're such a romantic. I hope you find that special person, regardless of who that may be. I just hope you find her."

"Thanks. So, enough about me. What's up with you and Cara?"

"Karlie, I'm sure you know more than I do. Why don't you tell me."

"This is what I know. She loves you but she's afraid. She's afraid to give her heart to someone again after it had gotten so badly broken before."

"Kar, why would she think I'd break her heart. I love her so much."

"Yeah well, sometimes we never expect the person we love the most, to hurt us the most. Want to hear something crazy? Even though Taylor broke my heart into a million pieces, I still love her with every broken piece."

"I'm sorry Karlie."


Later that afternoon, Karlie made her way to the airport, to meet up with Cara for their flight to London.

"HEY, SWEET TITS." Cara screamed across JFK as she saw Karlie walking towards her.

"Seriously, do you have to be that fucking embarrassing?" Karlie asked with a smile.

The two girls embraced in a hug as they made their way to the VIP lounge.

"So, how's Paige?"

"She left her job actually. I don't know where she is."

"Kar, seriously? What happened?"

"I went looking for and finally asked her manager when she would be back. He gave me a letter that she left with him. She told me she was falling for me and didn't want to be my rebound. She wished me well and hoped I found what I was looking for."

"Are you gonna go look for her? We can find her ya know, we do have connections."

Karlie just smiled and said, "No. Things happen for a reason. She was an amazing girl and I'm sure she'll make someone really happy one day. Spending time with her was a nice getaway from reality, but it was for the best that nothing came of it."

The two made their way on the plane and within minutes, were flying above the clouds.

"Dude, I love first class. They constantly feed you, we get more TV channels and the premium movies are FREE."

"Car, you're a mess."

"Oh, just so you know, I had lunch with Behati today. You better pull your head out of your ass and tell her how you feel before she moves on."

"What Kar? She said that. She's moving on?"

"No. But she will eventually. She wants you to share your feelings with her. Stop being so afraid. Just tell her already. Tell her how you feel. How you think about her all the time. How you can't stand to be away from her and how she's all you ever think about. Just tell her already. You'll regret it if you don't."

Karlie sat back in her seat as Cara reached over and grabbed her hand. Cara noticed tears in Karlie's eyes and whispered, "I will Karlie. I'll tell her. And...I'm sorry."

Karlie put her earbuds in and her eye mask on, as she was getting ready to go to sleep on the flight.

Cara sat there flipping through the channels, when she came across one channel in particular that caught her eye. At the bottom of the screen read a message, "Breaking news, Taylor Swift conference tonight at 11."

Cara shook Karlie vigorously.

"Car, what is it?"


Karlie looked at the screen and saw the message. "What the fuck is going on?"

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