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Dr. Mabry walked into Karlie's room the next morning, finding Karlie and Taylor still in bed asleep.

"Good morning ladies."

Both girls were startled awake as Taylor had a panicked look on her face knowing the doctor may not be too pleased that she was in the bed, especially since Karlie hurt herself again.

"Taylor, relax, you're fine. I do have some bad news, however, it looks like we'll be keeping you another day Karlie."

"But why? I thought I got to go home today?" Karlie said with disappointment in her voice.

"Well, I wasn't the one who popped a staple and ripped two stitches. Before your surgery, you were told to rest. After your surgery, you were told to rest. Well guess what? YOU'RE NOT RESTING." The doctor chuckled at that last part. "I can't have people getting you all riled up. Let me take a look at your incision and we'll go from there."

Taylor removed herself from the bed as the doctor put on some gloves and lowered Karlie's shorts slightly. She slowly removed the bandage, causing Karlie to wince in the process. There was some wetness from blood and a little redness but nothing too serious.

"I'm going to keep you at least another night. You'll be given an antibiotic for that redness, which should go away by morning. Other than that, it looks good. No signs of infection, which is a good thing. How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok. I mean, it hurts a little but I can still walk around and stuff. It feels better with an ice pack." Karlie replied.

"Alright, well I'll have an aide be down shortly to bathe you and bring an ice pack. Today, I want you to stay in bed the majority of the time. You can walk around a little, but not much. Hopefully, you can leave tomorrow." Dr. Mabry walked out as Taylor looked over at Karlie with sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry baby. This is my fault."

"No it's not. It's just an unfortunate situation. I'll survive another night. No sense in getting all depressed about it." Karlie said as she turned the tv on and sat back.

There was a gentle knock on the door and suddenly a really hot brunette entered. She had long wavy hair, that was tied in a ponytail, green eyes, an athletic figure and a smile to die for.

"Hi, you must be Karlie. I'm Kayla and I'll be your aide today. This isn't usually my wing, but someone called out, so here I am. I just wanted to introduce myself to all of the patients. If you need anything, please hit the call button and I'll be right here.

"Nice to meet you Kayla. This is my wife Taylor."

"Oh of course. The one and only Taylor Swift. I definitely know who you are. I've been to a few of your shows over the years. It's nice to meet you."

"Yeah, same here." Taylor said.

"I'll be back shortly to give you your shower."

"You're giving me a shower?" Karlie asked.

"Yeah, is that ok?"

"Oh yeah, sure, that will be great." Karlie replied.

Kayla walked out as Karlie's eyes trailed behind her, with a smile on her face. As Karlie looked back, the smile immediately disappeared as Taylor just sat there with her arms crossed.

"Really Karlie? I'm right here. Remember me....your WIFE."

"Taylor, calm down. I was just acknowledging Kayla as she left." Karlie had a smirk on her face, knowing how jealous Taylor was right now. But she couldn't help it. It was such a turn on and she wasn't even one week in and was about to die without sexual activity as it is.

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