The Petrodollar

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     My heart is heavy because I can't stop thinking about the Petrodollar.  It is gonna crash and their is nothing we can do about it.  The Petrodollar was doomed when it was created back in 1971 - Nixon and the rest knew it.  Someone was gonna be accountable, and they knew it wasn't them.  The Petrodollar is like a bad habit - one day you know you will have to quit or face dire consequences. 
     No one respects us or our military which was tied to the original Petrodollar agreement with Saudi Arabia.  But war might not be coming for the U.S.  After Iraq especially, people know (our people) and don't approve; then Syria, suspicions grow; then Libya, wait a minute 🤔; Maduro and Venezuela?  We'll see, it is in God's hands.
     Our government is pure evil and could care less about its people.  Just watch, more countries will get off the Petrodollar, and our super wealthy, right now as I type, are gobbling up all the gold they can find.  What does this mean for normal people?
      Our money, because of the crazy inflation, will virtually become worthless.  We will have to take the needle out of our arm with oil; we will have to discover new energy sources.  The short term will be horrendous, but long term it should clean our country up.  We have no clue about the corruption in our country, how deep it runs.
      The U.S. will not be the superpower anymore.  Have you ever seen the billions upon billions that we give to other countries?  Israel tops the list at 3+ billion, thanks to President Carter.  All this is tied to the Petrodollar. 
      So, like a dealer, our government will keep feeding us, and then sit back and watch.  Oh yeah, they will give some sympathy speeches, and they knew it all along.  I don't know how the government will feed itself - OUCH! 
      We can go to war, but on our own.  Russia and China, I feel, will oppose us.  Nuclear war could possibly destroy us all.  This has been building for decades, so we can't blame Trump.  I would really like to know who has been running things in the U.S. for the past twenty years, thirty years ...
      It helps to get off my chest, but that doesn't make it go away; does it?  I am so, so embarrassed to be an American right now.  Since we have gotten away from God just look at what has happened to us.  Yes, I will move if that is what God wants me to do.  Tell God that you love Him.
I see on Twitter, people that are aware, but that say "Wake up!" and ruder things than that. Wake up and do what, post on Twitter like you do? I feel for them, because I feel helpless, too. We are helpless, and have been that way since the country was founded - God is in control.
I think, like the Petrodollar, they knew that the government would outgrow itself. Congress could help regulate things 😭 😁, sorry I even wrote that. I don't think I could even fathom how inexpensive it could be to live in the U.S.
Instead we are led by money-hungry-you-know-whats (trying not to cuss), that want to make money off of people. They also keep people busy, buzzing around and not paying attention. People eat it up, and proudly say, "I'm so busy," or "I don't have the time."
Then they can categorize who and what, outside their immediate families, can have the privilege of fitting into their self-important lives. Oh, it not totally our faults. It starts from birth, planning and plotting, how we are gonna be raised. I better not get started on this.
God has let me know that He knows what I am gonna do - present, future, and well into the future. I think man has been trying to play God for a while. Is it possible? Sure, and it is our faults.
If we conform to the so-called "nice life," then we are part of the problem. Do well in school, graduate college, get married and have a couple of kids and question nothing. Oh yeah, go to church on Sundays because that is what you are supposed to do - the controlled life.
If you don't conform, that is easy, we will throw you in jail - problem solved. You get frustrated with life, then whose fault is it, not ours. Can't afford something then we will help; how about a credit card, visa or mastercard?
Our empire, the U.S., is gonna fall; are you ready? Is anybody talking about this? This is what makes me madder than mad, the government is gonna let it happen. They caused the problem, have no solutions and the people are gonna suffer.
      God is the only answer, and He has been there all along.  Money, drugs, alcohol, sex, or any other vice you can think of will not work - God, again, is the only answer.  I don't put anything into my body except food, probably too many pops, but I have been worse.  Trust me, bad things in my body made me less sensitive about the world around me. 
      Is it tough?  Absolutely, but I don't want to disappoint God.  I know He won't be mad at me; He will be disappointed.  This, to me, is worse; being disappointed.  It is hard to explain, I want to please Him. 
      ENOUGH - I am glad that I have this to write in, it helps.  I am about done with talking to people; many don't believe or plain and simple don't care, or they may not understand.  It is like, when I am talking, I get to a point and they quit listening; oh they hear, but they quit listening.
      They, many of them, seem to think I have coincidences, strange coincidences happening.  They are no coincidences with God.  I don't blame them, it just gets frustrating; just once, I would like to talk to someone that says, "I know what you mean."  I know that they are out there.
      I want them to say it and really mean it.  It gets very lonely at times.  God still pops in my life, once in a while, many times right when I need Him.  I like to whine sometimes, while trying to sort some things out.  I am still an ignoramos that doesn't have much of a clue. 
      How do you say that the Holy Spirit told you some things or made you realize some things, probably about three years ago, and they are starting to happen?  Does it matter if anyone believes you?  I think what I am writing defines faith.
My faith totally lies in God, and people don't understand - you can't rationalize God in His perfect world, His world not ours. I feel rude sometimes because God is it - I don't rationalize, question (now, I may have in the past, don't want to lie); I am not perfect. This last sentence tells me the difference between God's world and man's world.
Man seems to think that He is responsible for what happens in his world - oh, the vanity. God can erase our worlds, and all that's in them, in a heartbeat. That is a good place to end - again, tell Him you love Him!

Note - March 26, 2018, a couple of weeks from now, China is gonna trade oil futures with the petroyuan. Wow, not one person has read this!  So I can speak freely (-:  It is all starting to happen, and no one cares - I do!

This is a faithful saying:

For if we died with Him,
We shall also live with Him.
If we endure,
We shall also reign with Him.
If we deny Him,
He also will deny us.
If we are faithless,
He remains faithful;
He cannot deny Himself.
2 Timothy 2:11-13

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