holding hands - calum

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holding hands w calum for the first time would be so PURE. um maybe you're at a concert with him and you're really tiny & he knows that you get really scared in big crowds because of how small you are so when you guys are leaving the pit, he'd be like "take my hand, i dont wanna loose you." so you'd grab his hand as he leads you guys out of the all the people. mind you, you have a PHAT crush on calum and he has one on you too. his hands would be so surprisingly soft?? even tho he's a bassist but every now and then, he'd squeeze your hand as your walking out till youre finally at the back of the crowd. he'd look down at you, asking if you're good and you'd smile, nodding, still not realizing your still holding his hand until he kinda looks down, smiling back at you. then you'd blush so hard, letting go and looking toward the band youre seeing, trying to play it cool. later that night when you're walking back to his car, calum would grab your hand again, just causally talking to you, acting like it wasn't on the big deal when in reality he was freaking out as much as you were on the inside.

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