small gestures

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you and calum leaving the club, waiting for an uber, and while doing so, he decides to smoke. personally, didn't like it but you weren't going to force him to stop just because you didn't like smoking. "walk on my other side, love" calum said, pulling out his lighter. you just shrugged it off, moving from the left side to his right as he lit the stick. once he released the smoke from his lips, it blew off with the wind where you would've been standing. you looked at him with a small smile, calum catching your stare and looking confused. "something wrong?" he asked, pulling the cancer stick from his lips and holding it with his fingers on his side. "nope. i just appreciate your small gestures." the smile on your lips got a little bigger as he reached out to hold your hand, swinging it lightly. "jus' trying to protect you as much as i can." calum said quietly before taking a drag. raising your hands, you kissed his gently, looking into the street waiting for your uber home.

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