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calum woke up with a different attitude today. he felt a little bit better than he has the past few weeks. instead of rolling out of bed with an asshole attitude, he decided to try and have a more positive outlook. as per usual, he had his straight black cup of joe, sitting outside with duke, the little dog running around the back doing whatever while the maori boy enjoyed his morning.

he's pretty much done this since he first moved into the house, it was almost like a time of meditation for him. he was able to collect his thought or dreams and journal it, which was also another therapeutic thing for him. if it wasn't for journaling, he would've gone mad by now.

calum's life didn't have much routine, or only had it for short periods of time, but this was one thing that will always be routine; sitting down and writing everything he couldn't say. for as long as he could remember, being absolutely raw and truthful of how he felt was something foreign. which was one of the many reasons why his relationship fell apart.

he didn't want to admit it, but he wasn't being as transparent as he should've been with you. deep down he knew it, but he couldn't really come to terms, leading to countless unsolved issues and fights.

calum scribbled in his notebook, chap lips pursed before sighing deeply and shutting the little book. "duke," he called. "come 'ere." he whistled a little till he saw the little dog pop out of no where, walking to him. calum stood up, taking his journal and empty coffee cup. "let's go for a walk."

the second he said 'walk' duke went crazy, as usual, spinning around and jumping as calum walked around the house, putting away his cup and journal. after he slipped on his shoes and got duke's leash, him and his furry friend left the house.


calum was currently sitting with his friends, empty glass in his hand as he people watched. this was the first time in a while since he's gone to a club. he thought he'd have a good time but he was kinda caught up in his thoughts still. luke noticed this but decided to not bring it up, letting his friend be.

"i think i'm gonna get another drink," calum announced, standing up. "anyone want anything?"

sierra asked for a vodka and lime, calum nodding as he got up and headed to the bar. once he made his way up, he told the bartender his order before sitting at one of stools waiting for his drinks. like he did when he was bored, the maori boy started to pick at his nails, biting and chewing them as he gazed into space.

he kinda felt stupid, thinking that going to a club to would take away his sadness. if anything, it was just gonna worsen him. sometimes he'd get all caught up in his mind when he was drunk, leading his mind to wander to sad thoughts. other times he was just a silly mess, laughing at the dumbest things you could imagine. right now, he didn't know how he felt. if anything, he felt nothing.

the bartender cut him from his thoughts when he placed his beer and vodka and lime on the table, calum nodding to the bartender before he assisted another customer. as he was about to walk back to his table, he froze.

"what the fuck," he mumbled under his breath, heart almost falling at the bottom of his stomach. he thought he was tripping. was he high? was it a dream? he doesn't remember smoking before he went to the bar?

calum saw you, sitting on the opposite side, talking to some guy that made him feel a bit jealous, but mostly heart broken. he didn't understand how you could move on that quickly. it wasn't like they were dating for a short period. he spent almost a year of his energy, love and time on you.

he didn't know what came over him, but calum got up and walked over. you were still talking to the guy next to you, calum clearing his throat, causing you to jump and almost choke on your spit when you saw him standing there.

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