Ticking Of A Clock (1)

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Time can be a reliever to many. Over time someone can get over a bad/toxic relationship. Time can help someone recover from injury. Time is something that many value.

But, time is also a thing that people can hate. Some fight against time, for if it is the want to play in the gleaming sun more. Or to save their cat from being run over in the noisy city streets.

Time is a valuable thing that if you can manage through it even when it goes against you, you can have a more successful life.


Money is another thing that is very important. Money can be given down. For example, if someone's guardians has a major company and hands down their fortune to the next heir in the family. The next heir would get lots of money, then money would feel like a mere object.

Yet money is very important and many does not have enough of it. Money is the currency that can help anyone survive. From shelter to food and water.

But sometimes money can be even more important and sometimes one thousand dollars would not be enough. Especially for important things like hospital bills.


Both time and money are key parts in this story. Do not forget that. No matter how many twists and turns this story takes. 

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