UnderInexplicable/InexplicableTale (Chapter 2 Finished)

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Months later...

Alphys sat in her camera room doing her daily check to see if any suspicious activity was happening in the underground. It was nice having Frisk around and all. But Alphys felt that not checking the cameras daily at least might end up in something bad happening. She always has went by better safe than sorry. Because who knows what would have happened in the underground if she didn't.

Her cameras were showing the normal everyday activity. Papyrus and Undyne battling in Undyne's backyard for practice. Toriel and Asgore hanging out with Frisk. Sans teleporting to Grillby's and walking inside with a fake smile, and so on.

But then something happened, the televisions all glitched to show a picture. Frisk was walking outside of the ruins door and out into the snowy forest. The televisions then went back to normal.

This left Alphys feeling confused, maybe the tapes on the video cameras just glitched. It was all fine once again. But it glitched about five minutes later.

The televisions showed Frisk and Sans shaking hands. Sans having a whoopee cushion in his hand as it made a farting kind of sound. Frisk laughed and the televisions went back to it's normal film. This made Alphys question even more what has happened.

Alphys wanted to stay though to see if this would tell her something. Maybe the televisions could somehow tell her about the past royal scientist or something. But she was drawn to the televisions and felt as she could not leave even if she tried.

Four minutes later another glitch appeared. This one was Papyrus without a head, falling into the snow. Frisk with a smile plastered on her face. This made Alphys cry. She saw how this seemed that it looked like it was from when Frisk first came. Then what happened to Papyrus?

Alphys just cried as the televisions went back to their normal selves. And once again, the televisions glitched to a picture two minutes later.

Alphys looked up to see Undyne melting slowly. The smile of Frisk starting to slowly haunt Alphys. Undyne looked angered and dissappeared.

The televisions showed another picture, Sans fighting Frisk. Alphys watched in wonder and curiosity with concern. The television showed Sans with a slash into his chest as he bleed yet smiled. The last picture that showed was Sans smiling.

Alphys ran as fast as she could away from the televisions and was now in Snowdin's forest. Alphys hurried as she pulled out her phone and called Sans.

Sans answered after the second ring. "What is it Alphys?" Sans asked.

"C-come to t-the f-forest. I-I n-need to a-ask y-you something!" Alphys stuttered as she wiped the tears from her face.

"Of course!" Sans on the other line could here that Alphys was crying...

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