Turn Of Events (Chapter 1 Unfinished)

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Cross was laying down in his bed. His clothing being a plain white shirt and light grey sweatpants. His bed was right next to his nightstand that had his phone. Across from his bed was a closet and a big mirror. To the right of the bed was a window with black curtains and to the left was the door to leave the room. Next to the door to the hallway was a door to Cross's personal bathroom.

Cross's phone made an annoying ringing noise that always would annoy the crap out of him. But it always would work for waking Cross up at 9 am.

Cross shuffled on the bed and sat up. The alarm was still playing, so he decided to turn it off. Cross unplugged his phone from it's charger and brought it to his face. Cross saw a few notifications and decided to see if any were important texts.

1 text from Dream

It was just a text from his friend, Dream. Cross decided to check the text because why not? He has his work shift starting in two hours, that is more than enough time to get ready.

Dream: Are you free this weekend? We can hang out or something, maybe with Nightmare. Nightmare would probably want to bring his friend though. But first, are you free?

Cross always took his weekends off. If he was given a case he would let himself usually have a break from the case. Even if it was given to him on a Friday. Like he was most likely going to have one today, he has not had a case in a little while.

Cross: Yah. But I might be a little late if it is tonight. Should be getting a new case. Boss usually lets me have weekends off completely

Cross smiled and turned off his phone. He needed to change into something decent. Cross is typically the type of cop that never wears a uniform. He says that they are so uncomfortable.

Cross walked over to his closet and opened it up. He found a nice dark blue collared button-up. He slipped that on instead of his white shirt. He put on some black pants and looked in the tall mirror. It seemed nice Cross believed.

Cross walked over to his bed and picked up the phone he dropped. He put it in one of his pockets and exited the bedroom with thoughts of food wandering in his head.

Cross's POV:

I was walking down the hallway of our shitty house. In the kitchen it seemed that Ink was cooking some eggs and bacon. Smelled good but I would rather eat a chocolate bar instead.

I tried sneaking over to the cabinet for a chocolate bar when Ink caught sight of me. That was the moment that I knew, that I fucked up...

"Cross! You can't be eating all that shit! I even made eggs and bacon. You are a police officer, and I don't want my brother to become a fat ass depressing police officer." Ink grabbed a plate full of eggs and bacon from no where and pushed it into my hands. "Eat, or I will make you be an alive reference picture."

I didn't want to be laying on the couch in a weird ass position being yelled at to smile more or something by Ink. So I knew better and sat down with the plate. I placed the plate onto the table and Ink sat across from me.

Ink decided to talk while eating, I didn't mind. "So, you getting a new case today?"

"Yah, hope it is not like one of those that are so boring, like being given a shift to watch over a shitty preschool." I ate another bite.

"What is wrong with preschools?" Ink questioned, even though he knew the answer already.

"There are way too many little kids all like toddlers. And they all can be annoying as hell even if they are not trying to." Cross replied, finishing his food. 

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