Trapped | Prologue

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TW! For this chapter: Kidnapping, chloroform, passing out/fainting (in deep detail)

It was a normal day, the sun was shining bright, villainy was being contained. The wind had a soft breeze, and the SBI hero trio was happily working. While the youngest family member is getting some coke from the gas station.

"Thank you very much!" Tommy waved at the cashier lady, as he picked up his Coke can from the counter.

"Of course!" The cashier lady smiled as he left outside of the gas station. Hearing a bell ring as the door opened and closed.

Tommy looked at the Coke in his hand and was starting to open it up, pausing his walking while doing so.

The soda made a loud sizzling sound as it opened, making Tommy find out the bad way that his pop can was shaked. Bubbles flowed outside of the can and onto the teenager's hands.

"Not poggers!" He yelled to himself.

But before he could do anything else, he dropped the Coke, as someone random dragged him into the nearby alleyway. The Coke being forgotten.

Tommy started to kick and squirm, but the person wouldn't let go of their grips. Forcing him into the alleyway, where he was starting to see was people waiting to kidnap him.

He can't be kidnapped! It would put his whole family in danger! What if one of them has a power to read minds or some shit?

He kept on fighting back, but he couldn't fight anymore once he was restrained by two people. A cloth with nap time spray (chloroform) went to his mouth and nose. Pressuring him to breathe in the chemical, and pass out.

Eventually after trying his hardest, the world started to look like tv static and dark. The voices that played in his ears sounded like they came from an old telephone or television show. Then suddenly it all stopped, and he was unconscious.-A/n: I hope this is good! Also, I would like to admit that I know what it is like to almost pass out. Because I have almost passed out multiple times. (I have never fully passed out thankfully) And so I wanted to write this part off of experience. I hope this goes well. And oddly enough a gacha life singing battle (Dream SMP vs. Cuphead) is what inspired me.

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