Destructive Death (Prologue Unfinished)

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One of the balance meetings was for today. The balance meetings are about the two main balances. Positivity and Negativity (Dream and Nightmare) with the more main one being Creating and Destruction (Ink and Error). The meetings were checking on how the other is doing and that everyone was not forgetting about the truce.--Classic Sans was wearing his normal blue hoodie with a white undershirt. He was directing the meeting today. He was standing infront of the small table of all the main sanses. Fresh, Error, Reaper, Sci, Dream, Nightmare, Dust, Killer, Horror, Cross, Ink, and Blue."I would like to first here everyone except the two brothers about their opinion with the positivity and negativity balance." Classic announced. The others agreed."I think they are keeping the balance in check." Error announced from his seat inbetween Fresh and Blue. "I think that there is just a tiny bit too much negativity. Other than that it seems good!" Dust called inbetween Killer and Horror. "I totes think they're doing a radical job keeping it totes balanced. That is all broski!" Fresh called with Error on his left and Reaper on his right."Anyone else?" Classic called, looking over the table. After a short silence Classic nodded. "Okay then. So Nightmare will need to make a little less negativity and Dream give out a bit more positivity. Got that?""Yes!" Dream exclaimed."Same." Nightmare plainly announced."Good. Now the more difficult one. Destruction and Creation. I also need the opinions on this balance as well." Classic announced."I believe it is doing very well. From what I can tell, Ink has not created in a while and has had no more urges. And Error has not destroyed because of that from what I can tell!" Blue told the others as he was sitting next to Error."Error and Ink have been keeping the balance stable lately. Being able to spend more time with us. But I believe that soon Ink's urges will be a little much to not go on a creation spree. That is when Error has to destroy. I hope that everyone understands that. There is 1,926,539 AUs. We will need

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