One Thing After Another (Chapter 1 Finished)

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Fresh's POV:I walked down the hallway without the light on. I got to the door that I was looking for. It had a dark blue sign on it that in the smallest hint of color change said, 'Error'. That was so only if you went into the room before you would know who's room it is. I knocked the door.I heard a bit of movement as the door slowly opened to the pitch black room. The room was neat with a bed, a dresser, a desk, and a bathroom for Error. The only thing was there was a few hidden latches in the room only us two know of and there is fast food stuff on the desk next to the huge but closed computer."Come in, Fresh." Error brought me inside, he was a cool bro. To be honest I didn't talk 90's around him because of something...Error immediatly closed the door and we sat on his bed. I usually hanged in his room because he is so cool! "So... How is Night?" I asked."Night seems to have some brother problems with his brother Dream. Or atleast that is what I believe, because of his search history." Error replied."Why don't we play a game? We can go into someone else's server or something." I suggested as Error walked away and got out my computer for me and a black headset with green on it."Here, we can go to my newest survival world. I haven't messed with it yet," we started logging in on our computers and hooking our headsets up. "I just have picked a new skin." "Did you hack the Minecraft store again?" I asked as the game finished loading."Maybe. Let's just play now." Error put on his headset and arrived in the game.(Broseph900_32 online)(errorezu6yn4xgma0i online)(errorezu6yn4xgma0i logged on 'Survival Server 8274')(Broseph900_32 joined errorezu6yn4xgma0i in 'Survival Server 8274')"What are we going to build for a house?" I asked."Thinking about stone... Here is a pickaxe. Maybe start a mining area." "K".--We played for a long time. We later on made a small house of stone with a watch tower. It was around 11 pm now. Geno should be home anytime now. He said that he was going out to get inspiration for his newest work. He has an interesting job. "I think that we should be done for tonight. We need to go clean the front room before Geno gets back." Error said as we laughed a little and logged out.(Broseph900_32 offline)(errorezu6yn4xgma0i offline)We walked out of the room, closing the door after us and cleaned the front room. So now the front room was looking like a normal but clean living room. Because we would always wait for Geno to come home when we left, we sat there. After a few minutes the sound of keys filled the room and the door knob turned. There in the doorway was our brother, Geno wearing his normal attire and looked a bit tired. We both ran up to hug him.I pulled back, "you should sleep. You seem to have had a long day today." Geno chuckled, "you still are really observant." I laughed a tiny bit as he paused for a second. "Don't stay up later than 7 am tonight. I don't want to have to worry about you guys." Geno walked away and we both smiled.Geno's POV:Fresh and Error being as sweet as always told me to go to sleep after my long day. I just feel bad for the both of them. Fresh does not really have any friends except Error and me. Fresh loves to go to parties though and tries his best to get Error to go. Fresh gets money for me by advertising at parties. Odd job I feel. They both still live with me because they don't feel comfortable leaving me, I get it though. Never really had an older figure in their life and we really care for each other. Then there is Error, he is a smart person and loves to be around who he cares for. He has bad trust issues and has lots of phobias. But he does not seem to worry about his haphephobia when it is me or Fresh touching him...I laid down in my bed and tried closing my eyes. After a while they started to get heavy enough that I couldn't let them stay open. And I was now lost in the dream world I had. Error's POV:We sent Geno to bed, Fresh walked back to his bedroom because he says he has something to do. I don't know what, but I don't mind it really. Maybe I could talk to Nighty.I logged into my computer and first thought of where we would be talking. I decided to just turn his device to an Untitled Document and start typing. But only if he is online. So I checked. (Mr._Achy online)He was online, good. So I spent about ten or so minutes hacking into his device until it changed to an Untitled Document. Hello, how are you?Mr._Achy: Good, how did you even hack me anywaysI have my ways...Mr._Achy: why did you want to talk to me Just wanted to check in on you, Nighty. Mr._Achy: Have you ever hacked anyone other than me?...Mr._Achy: Sorry 'bout that. But I am doing good except Dreams0194 and I are having problems.Just say his name normally, you know I know your nameMr._Achy: you are freaky, ya know that?I laughed to myself softly.Yah, well what would you do if I could say I knew you were not busy tomorrow around 1pm...Mr._Achy: How do you know? I could have something not on my online/offline calendarWho said that I only hacked your computer?Mr._Achy: . . .Ya good?Mr._Achy: How am I supposed to be good when I have a fight with my brother, and a hacker as info on me, I don't even know anything about you!Too bad for youMr._Achy: Can you atleast give me one clue?Nah, but I can hack into a few other's devices, get you all into a chat and talk. Maybe even talk about yourselves, then maybe give you a clue.Mr._Achy: Will I know any of these people?Eh, I am not. Don't wanna anymoreMr._Achy: You get annoyingI know you are, but what about me?Mr._Achy: I have a feeling that you know me in person...You don't, if you did than that would be weird and stuff. I am just a hacker as you know. Mr._Achy: Can you leave now? It is like two am and you probably know how my work life is Fine, see ya!I made Night's device go back to normal, letting him sleep. He has to work night shift for his job and he usually is going out to buy pizza while typing to me. Then he goes to his job and eats the pizza. I thought to myself a little of what to do. Maybe I can watch some YouTube to pass the time and satisfy my boredom. That would be fun though. Yah, I will just watch videos from who I subscribed. I logged into YouTube and went to my notifications. I picked the oldest one that I haven't checked yet and deleted off my notification page. It was uploaded six hours ago. Nice, I clicked on it and watched.Nightmare's POV:This errorezu6yn4xgma0 guy is freaky. Like seriously, he/she knows about everything of me and knows about my family. He/she loves joking around with me like its a game. Pretty scary also that I don't know really anything at all about errorezu6yn4xgma0. Oddly I have not went to the authorities yet. But I want to learn about errorezu6yn4xgma0 more, first.I parked my car and took the pizza out of the seat next to me. I walked into the building I work at for night shift. To be honest night shift is not really bad. I always get paid, even though half the time I don't go. I walked inside the office and pulled open the pizza at the desk I sat at.I got the paper plate and placed a slice of pepperoni pizza on it. I picked one of those small parmesan cheese packets and ripped it open. I poured the parmesan cheese over the pizza and scooped the pizza off the plate. I took a bite and placed the pizza down. My phone ringed from a notification.errorezu6yn4xgma0: why do you always get pepperoni pizza but never any garlic bread?Are you serious!?! He/she just asked me why I don't get garlic bread and I always get the same pizza.Can I not love pepperoni? And garlic bread is always an extra amount. errorezu6yn4xgma0: you are a bit lame when it comes to food, ya know that?Yah, yah. Let me workerrorezu6yn4xgma0: haha! Like you actually really work. You just get paid to sit in an office and do whateverSo?errorezu6yn4xgma0: fine, I will let you to your "job"Thank you.And with that I was taken out of the Untitled Document we always use in our conversations. I put on a movie I downloaded onto my computer and ate another slice of the pizza with the parmesan touching my two tongues.

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