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2 days until Thomas's father and brother come back. 2 days to clean and tidy the house, as if a celebrity is coming over. Then again, his father and brother work at a largely famous company. So you could say they are celebrities

Wilbur doesn't see it that way though. He sees an abandoning father and annoyingly genius brother coming home. Why don't they just come home to see how much shit they have done. And how he doesn't give a living fuck about them anymore. Even if they are rich, even if they are blood related. It doesn't fucking matter.


Thomas wakes up to his blank ceiling, and his phone's ringtone. It played 'Murder' by Boyinaband and Cryaotic. Making the 15 year old groan as he brought his tired body up, and off his bed. He looked around, and smiled a little. Seeing all of his creations decorate his room.

But that smile doesn't last long, as he walks to the kitchen for his breakfast. Guess Wilbur brought in someone new this fine morning.

Thomas plugged in his earbuds, to drown out the stuff he heard. So he danced around a little as he picked up a pop tart and ate it.

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