The World Of Maracia (Chapter 1 Finished)

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My eyes started to flutter open. I brought my hand up to my face and attempted to rub the exhaustion out of my eyes. But it did not work.

I sighed as I sat up in the alleyway. I put my hand up in the air as I looked upwards in the orange misty air. With small patches of blue here and there in the sky. I could see through my hand partially and smiled. Everything seemed a bit normal atleast!

I looked back infront of me and saw more trash than there was yesterday pilled up in the dumpster and trash around it. It seemed that some of the cats ran away yesterday after I helped the one from bleeding out.

I walked slowly. With my one dirty brown shoe and my one large brown boot tapping against the cement lightly. For I didn't want to cause too much attention than I usually get for being the species I am.

I exited the alleyway and looked side to side. It seemed that there was not many people walking around this early morning. There was some side markets set up already though. Most of the markets seemed to have Rekat sellers.

Rekat is a species that looks like a human. (Most species looks like humans, not all of them though) They have two long horns that curl just a tiny bit on the sides of their heads. The horns very in two colors. Brown and grey.

I walked towards one of them and looked at their two grey totes on a pure white table. Inside the bigger tote was some knives. The smaller tote had some food.

I looked up towards the rekat and they seem to have noticed I was more eyeing at the food. They gave me a small smile and sometimes they can get aggressive, it is something that half of their population is known for. So I shivered a bit at it, not knowing if they were hostile or docile.

"Don't worry bud." They learned towards the smaller tote and brought out three apples from it that looked pretty clean. "I can wash some of these for you and you can have them for free. Sorry though, that most species hate on you all." The Rekat walked towards a water mechanism that I can not really comprehend. The Rekat washed the apples. The Rekat said to me, "If you ever need anything," the Rekat walked back to me. "I am Alyssa." The Rekat.. I mean Alyssa, handed me the three apples.

I bowed towards Alyssa, carefully holding the apples like a human commoner would with a block of gold. "Thank you so much Alyssa! I will try to repay you..." I trailed off into thought and after a few moments, noticed I was still bowing.

And with that, I ran away from Alyssa so I could make sure that I was not very seen. After a few minutes of quiet running I was on a side of a building.

I looked around myself as I noticed that the breeze was starting to make me feel cool. I let my shoulders relax a bit when I believed I was safe. But then, I heard some cheering from near by.

As I neared closer and closer to the cheering I started to hear some music as well. When I entered the area, it seemed that some Smurey(s) were gambling. The music was now blaring and the lights were very dim in the place. In the middle was a white light, like in interrogations on. Two Smurey(s) with their black hair and red eyes were playing against each other. It seemed they were both male with their short hair and their nails were not painted black with red stars. They were playing a game of original poker.

One of them played a royal flush while the other was fuming. "You bitch! You must have rigged this! I want a rematch none or double!!" The other yelled as the one that won, started taking the stack of 100k from the other.

When the winning Smurey started to lean towards the other, the other stopped yelling and stood frozen. The winning Smurey put his hands on the other's cheeks. "Sweetie," the Smurey said with a seductive voice. "I won fair and square~. It would be so sad," he dragged the word, sad. "If someone found out that you tried to beat someone just because they won~." The Smurey pulled away and punched the looser into the ground. The looser was bleeding a bit in the cheek.

The Smurey looked around the room and called out to all of us in the room. "Remember for next time, I am Corey~. And shall not be beat~." The winning Smurey/Corey started to walk off with his 100k and the other's 100k in a black suitcase.

But then it started to startle me when Corey was heading my way. I knew the exit was right to the left of me, but it felt as if Corey was giving me a stare to me in some way.

Corey walked towards me and stopped when he looked at me. For sure he was like a foot or so taller than me. He cupped my left cheek and smiled. His cold hand warmed my cheek a little somehow. As he stared at me with his glistening red eyes. He handed me a small slip of paper with his other hand, into my non-empty hand. He let go as he disappeared from my sight.

I looked around, wondering where he was. It seemed he left already. I let my body slide down the wall as I got into an Indian style sitting position. Usually Smurey hangouts are the areas where people of my species are welcomed.

I smiled as I remembered the three apples I was given in my left hand. I was for sure hungry, with the pains in my stomach that I was all too familiar with. In my right hand was the piece of paper I was given by Corey.

My mind felt more curious about the paper than to help with my hunger. So I placed the apples into my lap as I held the paper in both of my hands. I unfolded the paper after just four folds. The note was opened and I read it, seeing that Corey had some horrible hand writing. But what more distracted me was what made me ending up surprised.

Dear Unknown Child,

I see that you are holding three apples. I am guessing that you are homeless and hungry. If you need a place to stay, come to ***** ****** **** *** ***. I promise no harm. I was curious as well, and wanted to get to know your species more.


A/n: I hope this was good! Also, if I get 200 views on this story in total, I will show you a drawing of the main character I have made before hand. If you make fanart or like this idea, give me credit!!!

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