Love Is Not Always At First Sight (Prologue Unfinished)

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Life of being a destroyer is not easy. That is for sure, because I know it. But it is not that bad when you have others to have your back. When your down and need lifting. I met those people I needed. Nightmare's Gang accepted me. Took care of me, and have became like my family.We have so many good memories with each other. I remember once Dust and Horror pranked Nightmare by putting a whole bathtub of glitter over Nightmare while he was sleeping. That was fun. There was this one time where Cross accidentally summoned his giant knife sword thing while eating pancakes and when he was getting his fork he sliced the table in half. Had to get a new table after that. Poor Cross had to do all the chores for two weeks and cook. Tables are hard to find when you are a leader of the most well known gang among the multiverse.

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