Two Kingdoms | ~1~ |

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A/n: I hope that this story won't turn out to be a draft like sooo many before. If you are curious on how I got this idea I will let you know. It won't really contribute to the story, so skip this if you want. Alright, so I got a new phone and the back of it had black, teal, and green on it. When you turned it and had different angles in the sunlight you can see the colors moved around. I noticed how the green always seemed to take over the teal's area when it moved around. With the teal always having the more area. And the black just seemed so calming. So for the few minutes I stared at my new phone's back I made a whole plotline. With twists and turns and things that I absolutely admire. So without further adieu, shall we start.

Future A/n: Sorry past me, it's a draft now.


The light was dim and yet it was the right setting to make it so the moment could be romantic or boring or seem as if they are poor - which they are not - and didn't pay their electric bill. Sounds of utensils scrapping against plates and the moving of cups being lifted to be set down again, filled the family's dining room. It wasn't the one for the large events, or they would've looked more proper.

Inside the room many memories have played along. Some bringing the utter most delights, while others more torturous than the kingdom's dirty jail cells. Though most memories where made up of eating, sometimes accompanied by complete silence, sometimes with laughter and smiles.

Tonight was one with small talk. The queen and her curled black hair was talking to her husband about the next event that was going to celebrate the princess's birthday.

Her husband, and his short brown hair waved a little as he laughed from time to time. As the two joked around, seemingly in their own world from their children.

The princess, whom is the subject of their more important matter, was eating her dinner. Creamy spinach stuffed salmon in garlic butter. All the flavors the meal created melted in her mouth. She enjoyed it, and made a mental note on how she wants this again sometime.

Being a prince, you would think that you'd get the same amount of attention as your sister does. Yet, that is not the case. His black hair and light blue eyes didn't seem anything important to his family. Yes, they gave him everything he needed, and asked about his day. But that doesn't mean they actually understand his interests. Of how he loves to create masterpieces using only a pencil and a paper. Or how he enjoys scrolling on his phone all day. Instead of doing his studies that didn't trully matter anyways. He didn't need to go over anything outside of homeschooling, so that was that.

When he looked down at the plate he was served, it disgusted him. He was a picky eater, and he bet if he had a friend the two would joke around about it from time to time. He disliked lots of meat, all sea foods, a majority of vegetables, any type of acceptable breakfast foods, raspberries, and so on. Even when given something he disliked, he ate it without complaining. Knowing that it would hurt him even more speaking his thoughts aloud than eating what he felt was revolting.

Some of the foods he dislikes, he used to favor. His parents never noticed that he didn't favor them anymore. And just thinking of those selected foods made him feel sick to his stomach. That doesn't mean he has ever thrown up thinking about or eating them, though. He just pushed through because wasting food and not eating protein was a strictly enforced rule.

As he started to eat his salmon, his sister was already half-way finished through, and glaring at him. Most likely due to how he was trying to relax as she interrupted him. He got annoyed by her actions, and spoke out about it. Which resulted in him getting a rough shoulder grip and a few hits (fairly weak ones) in the back. Thankfully the pain from those injuries had faded away hours ago.

"What type of pastry should we have cooked up for you this year, Enyo?" Mother announced to her sweet little angel.

Yet, she gave her sweet little angel such an interesting name. Enyo is from Greek Mythology, the Goddess of War. (Or atleast a female counterpart to Enyalios) It is true that sometimes the prince feels as though she is bloodthirsty. Really suiting, in actuality. Even though she doesn't fight battles, it would be amazing to have a queen that had a name meaning Goddess of War. Due to how the Teal Kingdom was having a 'war' with the Green Kingdom.

"I was thinking of cupcakes, with a heart design on them. It would be soo cute!" Enyo said outloud, making the adults give out a small chuckle at her 'adorableness'.

The prince had a sigh, and looked back at how he was the only one with food on his plate. Atleast he had three fourths of the meal gone now...

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