Heartbroken (Chapter 1 Unfinished)

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Sans was infront of Red's house. The house being a homey brick home. Sans was in a light blue hoodie and had a white Nasa shirt on. He wore dark grey sweatpants. In Sans's hands was a small bouquet of Red's flowers. The blue flowers lightly glowing in the darkness outside. Due to it being around 10 pm.

Sans wanted his appearance and the flowers as a surprise. So Sans decided to not knock, plus it was Red. Red is sweet and caring, he is Sans's boyfriend. No reason Sans shouldn't be able to just walk in. Or atleast used to be.

Sans opened up the door and walked in. There was Blue and Red having a kiss that if Sans walked in two seconds later it would be heated. Blue and Red saw Sans. Sans almost started crying. This hurt his soul harshly, he just dropped the flowers on the ground and teleported out.

Red and Blue did not care too much about it. No need to worry about hiding the relationship. Red and Blue went back to their heated kiss, taking in a breath before.


Sans teleported with his light blue streaks in the air showing he teleported. Slowly disappearing. Sans did not care he had the chance of confronting Papyrus. All he wanted was to get some ketchup and get rid somehow, everything he ever got from Red. That bastard had to cheat on him. Didn't he?!?

Sans walked through the door. Papyrus was in the kitchen putting spaghetti in a reheat-able container. Sans walked to the fridge and opened it up. Papyrus took his attention to Sans.

"Are you okay, Sans?" Papyrus asked. No answer.

Instead Sans just took a bottle of ketchup and teleported out. Sans arrived in his bedroom and sat his ketchup on his nightstand. Sans decided it was best to first get everything that Red ever gave to him in a pile in the middle of his floor.

Sans started with the two hoodies he got. Sans put in the pile a golden locket with the two rollerskating, a black hat with red outlines, a blanket, a poster, a green book, and a few other things. Sans thought it would be best to rip up the clothing. Sans harshly and fastly ripped the clothing that he got from Red. Sans's anger was still off the roof so he somehow destroyed all the things. Sans teleported outside into their backyard with short grass. Sans ran to the fire pit and dropped the rest of the things Red gave him into it. With a smile and tears falling out of Sans's eyes he brought out a lighter and lit the things. Sans stood for a few minutes just watching the items burn, slowly being consumed by the fire and turning black. Giving the fire some smoke making it hard to breath when in the way of the smoke.

Sans thought that was enough and teleported back to his bedroom. Sans now did not have that remarkable grin nor smirk on his face. Instead just wet of tears that would not stop until his body would not let him produce anymore.


Papyrus called Undyne and Alphys. Papyrus brought his phone to his ear and let the phone ring twice. The third time the two answered. Undyne asked the first question.

"What is it Papyrus?" Undyne asked with her always a bit scratchy voice.

"Sans is not acting right-" Before Papyrus could say a word Undyne of course interrupted him.

"Sans is never acting right. He literally drinks ketchup out of a bottle! And all he does is lay back all day and say those motherfucking annoying puns!" Undyne let out.

"Not like that Undyne. Earlier today he looked so excited and happy with a handful of light blue flowers. He came back with a super sad expression and did not say a word. Not even a pun! He just took a bottle of ketchup." This made Undyne surprised on the other side of the line.

Alphys decided to talk now. "M-maybe we c-can find o-out more with a picnic t-tomorrow." Alphys suggested. 

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