You Don't Scare Me, But You Should Fear Me (3-Eret-3 Finished)

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Eret smiled at himself in his bedroom mirror, seeing a king of the Dream Smp. A proud bisexual, with his/their/her pride flag hanging on his/their/her wall. (Eret uses all pronouns, so I decided to put the three most common ones) The crown he/they/she was given sat on his/their/her head. He/they/she still wore the crown and the name of king even though guilt was still there for betraying his/her/their ex-friends.

An hour after he/she/they awoke this bright morning, he/she/they was ready to head to his/her/their castle and clean around. For today he/she/they had no duties planned today, and the castle looked like it could be cleaned a bit better at the moment.

The sound of Eret's shoes tapping on the ground of his house could be heard, with a faint sound of the light breeze outside. It was calming per say.

In just a matter of minutes Eret arrived at the castle. As he/she/they predicted, the place was empty and near the entrance was a chest (don't ask) with the cleaning supplies that he/she/they placed yesternight. (Aka Last night) Eret picked up the cleaning supplies and walked inside the castle, getting started with scrubbing down the throne.


Eret has swept all of the floors in the castle and scrubbed down the castle now. It was starting to near lunch time and his/her/their food bars were starting to get a bit low. So with that he/she/they opened up his/her/their inventory to find some cooked pork chop and carrots.

With no hurry, Eret sat down right infront of the castle, the breeze flowing through his/her/their hair and giving a bit of a wave to it. The grass was actually comfy to his/her/their liking. He/she/they wondered what was going to happen next for everyone, he/she/they knew Bad and Skeppy moved away. As well as all of the people that used to live at L'manburg. What is going to happen now? Curiosity wanted to get the best of him/her/them. But he/she/they had to finish cleaning.

He/she/they sat up from where he/she/they was sitting and walked back inside the castle. 'The windows would be good to clean, then I can clean other objects like tables and such after.' Was what he/she/they thought as he/she/they headed towards the windows of the castle. (I don't know how the castle looks inside exactly because I didn't watch the stream where they built the castle and stuff. Sorry if it is inaccurate!!!)

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