*Insert Name Here* (chapter 1 finished)

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Error's POV:I was just laying down on my bed. Minding my business with dreams filling my mind. Making me smile and look super cozy. But that had to be interrupted by my d*mn alarm.I turned off my alarm and sat up. Tomorrow was the day that I had planned a hang out with my friends. It is a huge group of friends. My brother, Fresh is joining. And Geno told me that he was going to the movies with Reaper. I blinked my eyes for a second and then pushed myself out of my bed. I changed into my favorite outfit. I even have more than one of each of the things in my outfit, so I can wear an exactly same outfit without getting angered looks for wearing my favorite outfit without changing.The outfit is black shoes, black shorts with a single red stripe. A dark red shirt with my lucky black hoodie hanging off my shoulders. My hoodie has a lot of areas where it got ripped so I repaired it with knitting it. Works like a charm. And I did not forget my scarf that I only took off when sleeping or taking a shower. No one minds. It is a dark blue color and has a bit of a few rips on the ends. But I do not mind about that.I then picked up my phone from my nightstand and sat back down on my bed. I didn't care my light was still not on. Just wondering what the time was now, and my notifications.8:34 am17 YouTube7 texts I clicked on the 7 texts first to see who they were from. It did not really surprise me though.4 texts from Bro2 texts from Nighty1 text from BlueI wondered what Fresh wanted to talk to me about. So I pressed for a moment or two on Fresh's texts and it took me to his texts.Fresh: Hey Broseph, you may not be awake right now or online. But can you come with me tom. to **** for lunch.Also do not forget the hang out on FridayThat would be unrad of yahLove youIt would be rude to not reply back so I thought of what was on my schedule for the day. Nothing came to mind. So I decided I could go. Just needed the time so I wouldn't be late. Like last time. I laughed a little and typed. I can go. What time?After what felt like just a second he replied back.12:30. See yah!I went to see the other texts I got. I pressed on Nighty's icon and got tooken to his texts.Excited for the hang out. Don't forget to bring your pills to the hang out! I smiled. Nighty always takes care of me. And makes sure I am good and well. He can be so sweet and caring at times. He gets overprotective with his friends. Once we got kicked out of an Arby's because he was protecting me from an uncomfortable situation. I was waiting for Nighty to give me my roast beef sandwich when this dude came from behind us. He asked a question I felt uncomfortable with and he put his hand on my shoulder which made me jump. Nighty now had come back with the food and saw the situation. He placed the food down and stood up from me. Later it resulted in Nighty having a bruise on his arm and his hand being bandaged up for a week. Thank you Nighty! Maybe soon we can hang out together. You and me. Has been a while!Nighty: Asking me on a date *insert Lenny face*Me: Nighty! Stop joking around!Nighty: What? We are best friends in allMe: I already told you I don't want to be in any relationshipsNighty: Fine, sorry. But we are closeMe: Yah, yah. Gotta do some errands before meeting up with FreshNighty: See yaMe: See yaAnd with that I turned off my phone. I pushed myself off the bed and headed out of my bedroom. I entered one of those rooms that is like the kitchen and living room except it had no walls separating the two. You know?Anyways, I walked to the fridge and opened it up. I searched for something to eat while driving in the car. In just a moment I found a small container of strawberries. Carefully, I took the strawberries out of the fridge and closed the doors.As I was heading for the door I swiftly put my arm out. I grabbed my car keys and walked out of my house. I closed the door and made sure the code lock on my front door was working. It was like usual.I headed to my black car. I do not remember which year it was. But that didn't matter. I put my keys in the door. The car let me open the door and I sat in the driver's seat. I placed my strawberries in the cup holder area, trying to keep it a bit steady. I closed the car door and put my keys into the real car lock. The car engine started and I put on music. The music started as I headed out.I had a few errands to do today. It was really pretty easy. Just had to pull hundred and forty dollars out of my bank account. Buy some more chocolate because I ran out. And I would need to go train in a different dimension. Which would take an hour to drive to that location. I am going to get that money out of my bank account first. So I drove my car through the streets, stopping at red lights and stop signs. Watching out for people walking across the street and stuff too. In just about twenty, thirty minutes I guess. We arrived at the destination. I drove my car to one of the drive-by areas and did all the stuff. At the end I got my hundred and forty dollars with no issues. I drove away and parked for a second at a gas station to check the time and see if I had any other texts. 9:22 am21 YouTube 1 textI remembered that I forgot to check Blue's text to me. So I looked at the text.Blue: If you had to choose, would you choose m&ms or whopper chocolate? Blue would always text me something for fun every day. I have actually wrote in a notebook every question and the exact answer. Just for fun really. But I feel like he is actually trying to get at something. Today was day 83 of the questions. Day 1: What would your superpower be? Strings that can control people like puppets!Day 2: If you could, would you rather go to the movies or an amusement part? MoviesDay 3: What is your favoirte food? ChocolateDay 4: What is your dream home? Don't have oneDay 5: What type of music do you listen to? Depends on mood, but mostly themed onesDay 6: Do you like video games? YesDay 7: McDonalds or Taco Bell? Taco BellDay 8: If you were offered the job of mayor what would you do? QuitDay 9: What board game do you like most? BattleshipDay 10: If you could get rid of one thing bad in the world, what would it be? SchoolDay 11: What is your favorite day of the week? Fridays because you can do whatever and wouldn't have to worry about work the next day or any of that stuffDay 12: If you inherited a million dollars, what would the first thing you did with the money be? Buy all my friends a gift to remember me by, or something my friends really love. Day 13: Where would you go in the world, if you could go anywhere? KentuckyDay 14: What time do you normally go to bed? Whenever I pleaseDay 15: Have you ever gotten a pet? Yah, a hamster. But one day it got thrown off the roof, for an "experiment".And so on. It is very kind of him. They are always different then the others. Some are closer to some subjects while others are just completely out there. Like Day 56.Day 56: If you were in a witness protection program, what would be your new name and where would you go? My new name would be Glitch Strings. And I would go to wherever I feel is most safe at the time.I thought for a while and chose my decision. . .A/n: Weirdest cliffhanger. Am I right?

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