Team Up (Prologue Finished)

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You could hear the tapping of feet on the dark green grass. The grass being a darker shade due to it being the nightly hours outside. Then the feet halted, next to the other's person's smaller pair of feet.

The tension between them that used to be there months ago has mostly vanished thankfully. The smaller finally agreeing with the taller's beliefs. Or atleast most of the taller's beliefs.

It has been a while since they have technically talked to each other or seen one another as well. Not including the two days the smaller saw the taller to be taken away from the taller once again. But neither speak of that time because its like an unspoken rule or agreement of sorts. To never speak of the instance and pretend it has never happened.

And now the two were standing on the grass in the night, the smaller feeling a bit filthy for not taking a shower after mining earlier. But that didn't stop this meet up, in fact the meet up probably wouldn't have happened if it was during the time the sun was still risen.

The taller cleared their (don't want to expose the taller's pronouns yet) throat and began to speak. "I have missed you," the taller hugged the smaller.

After a moment both pulled away from the hug and the taller continued. "So, again with the plan. Did you get enough Redstone for the machine idea we came up with last night?"

The smaller nodded, "indeed I did you bitch. Is that all you wanted because I really need a fucking shower, *** ***." (the * is censoring something that shall be revealed later, so you won't find the identity of the two figures so quickly)

"That is not what I mainly wanted to talk to you about." The taller put their left arm on the smaller's shoulder. "I was wondering if we could start actually building the place in about a week."

The smaller turned their (not exposing the smaller's pronouns yet either) head to the side and snickered. "Stop with this goody two shoes bullshit. Why have you really been wanting to see me."

The taller lowered their arm from the smaller's shoulder and backed away. "I wanted more bonding time, plus L'manburg is finally gone!!!!" The taller's voice level skyrocketed a bit higher than it should've. "We can make plans on how to take over this whole server with the two of us." The bloodlust and the tone of his voice that can scare many finally came back.

The smaller chuckled at the taller's idea and turned back to the taller to look eye to eye with them. "I wouldn't have wanted to do this before of course, but what else can I do? Not like its a bad idea of course." The smaller smiled at how the taller now was surprised but glad at the same time.

"Sounds like a plan *****, let's meet up here again tomorrow." With that the taller left, leaving the smaller to their thoughts.

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