Riding The Trains (1)

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The train started to move, as I arrived at the luggage area in the train. My little bag was with me. Filled with things that I thought was necessary. Like food and clothes. Plus a journal, a phone, and a charger. Now a days most places have charging areas, like trains. And I once made a deal with someone to pay for me having unlimited mobile data. Don't ask how I did it. It was a tough night, and there was blood everywhere.

Anyways, you may be wondering why the ever loving fuck is there a 14 year old stealing, making (most likely illegal) deals, and hiding in a train. The answer, is... is... Let's not talk about that! Instead, lets talk about the fact that right now I'm watching some YouTube. The person in the video was playing some video game called Jackbox or whatever. It made me laugh, but I had to keep my voice down. Or I might get caught with the people coming in here to take their luggage and leave.

I will admit that right now I'm heading to Chicago. It's going to be interesting being here. I was here about 2 years ago and got kicked out of a store for starting a fight with a guy. Not my fault that he called me a filthy mess. I comb my hair out and stuff! And go to gas stations with showers! (Yes, there is such thing) 

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