Ink (Chapter 1 Finished)

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Ink had the determination to finish getting himself ready, as he was fastening his vial strap over his chest. The vials shaked slightly from all the sudden movement. Ink had about all of his normal attire on, except having Broomie on his back and the blue jacket.

Ink walked over to his bed and picked up the blue jacket. He made sure that he tightened the jacket around his waist, like he always does. It seemed that he did, so he walked over to his messy desk chair. And picked Broomie off the chair, fastening it onto his back in the way he does it.

Ink walked through his quite messy room in the Star Sanses base to his tall mirror. The mirror was taller than him, for he is only 3.8 feet. As he looked into the mirror, he gave a small artifical smile.

In his mind, he decided that right now would be the best time to drink his yellow vial, for the vial he drank earlier was starting to wear off. With this, he looked at his vial strap and picked out one of the vials with yellow paint. He opened it up and started to drink it, having it go into his system. With only a matter of seconds he started to feel more artifically happy.

"Ink, Dream! I made some tacos!" Blueberry's voice boomed through the walls of the Star Sanses base.

Ink took note of this as he started to step away from the mirror. He started to have his tennis shoes lightly hit the carpet of his dirtied room. As he started to arrive at the door, he wondered to himself about what may happen today. Even though his mortal enemy, Error, was probably going to try destroying an Au.

After just a matter of moments, Ink arrived at the door. His boney and a bit frail hands, grabbed the door knob gently. He turned the door knob with a small click, pulling it towards himself as his feet guide him partially out of the way of the door.

The door opened widely, to show the side of the hallway. With a door across from him, being the bathroom the three shared. To the left of Ink's scratched door was a very beautiful gold flower decorated door. Behind the door was Dream's bedroom, one of the people that Ink was almost always with. Then the door at the end of the hallway, was normal except a paper sign saying 'Future Royal Guardsman In Here's and in smaller print said, 'Please Knock First'.

Ink turned to the left, walking out of the hallway to the main parts of the Star Sanses base that they relax in. The hallway was very small, for it was just the bedrooms and the one bathroom.

The protector of Aus exited the hallway and into a lobby looking area. To the right was the kitchen, it looks like a practical kitchen. Except there is a blue themed skeleton holding a tray of tacos. This was Blueberry reader, the sans from UnderSwap. With his light grey t-shirt and blue outlines or the blue bandanna scarf tied into a bow in the back, he was very recognisable. And he was wearing his favorite high, blue boots that he would usually refuse to take off for a reason that no one knows.

To the left was a living room. A rather large television and two couches that are facing the television, tilted in an angle. A yellow and blue themed skeleton wearing a golden cape and a golden circlet sat on the right couch. This one was Dream, it is easier to know that it is Dream though with his positive aura. That is because he is the guardian of positivity from the Au DreamTale.

Dream turned his head towards Ink, noticing his pressence, "wow. You finally got out of your bedroom." Ink's eyelight for a split second turned into a purple square and a red target, but swiftly changed back to their normal shape and color.

Ink walked to the back of the couch Dream was sitting on and leaned on it. "We should eat, who knows what will happen today!"

And with that, Dream got off the couch, as the two of them headed to the kitchen. Blue seemed excited to know how his new and improoved tacos tasted.

They all sat down on the counter/table. Dream sat on the left, Ink was in the middle, and Blue was heading to the right stool with the tacos. Blue placed the taco tray on the counter and took out three plates. He passed two plates over to his friends, so they both get one.

Ink was the first one to reach for a taco. The tacos looked pretty normal, american styled tacos to be exact. Ink placed it on his plate and started to have it inch towards his mouth. He took a bite and chewed, it tasted amazing. Ink also took note that there was cilantro, when there usually was not.

When Ink swallowed his bite he placed his taco down and looked over to see Blue eating an already half-eaten taco.

"This tastes delicious Blue!" Ink's eyelights changed to two yellow stars, but swiftly changed back to their normal state. "Adding cilantro into it makes the flavor pop out a little more."

Blue rappidly finished his bite and set his half-eaten taco on his plate, like how Ink's was. (Except it was half-eaten instead of just having one bite missing) "Thanks Ink! I thought that it would be nice to try something new. Glad it worked!"

Ink then looked over to Dream, on his left. To see Dream enjoying the new addition to the taco as well. Ink felt glad that his teamate (supposedly friend) happy.

He looked back to his own taco and picked it up. He resumed to eat the taco with the cilantro adding a bit more flavor in the tasty 'breakfast' meal.


Ink was sitting down in the doodlesphere when he heard someone portal into the doodlesphere.

He looked over and saw a certain someone, that said "Yo my broseph, ink. How's it hangin'?"

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