Trust Issues (Chapter 2 Unfinished)

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"Wake up or you will have half a plate of food for breakfast!!!" The mother of the orphanage yelled, waking up everyone in the orphanage. Even though about half of the kids were already awake by then.

Tommy groaned as his eyes started to open, his back aching just a tiny bit as he must have slept wrong on it. After just a few moments he was able to take in that it was morning and he was out of the dream world. With that, he pushed the covers off of himself and stretched his body. The sunlight peeked through the windows as the others were either waiting to change in the bathroom or getting out of bed now.

Tommy sat himself up and stared for a minute or two at the backpack he had ready, just in case if today was the one that he finally left this h*llhole. Even though that is highly unlikely for he was one of the older kids. And why would someone want a fourteen year old instead of a six or seven year old? He would never get why anyone would want that still.

He needed to get ready for the day so he grabbed his only nice shirt (a normal everyday blue t-shirt) and some jeans that surprisingly didn't have any holes in them. (But the knee parts were a bit lighter colored because of how many times he has been thrown against the ground on several occasions). 

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