The Tails Of Aimsmen Chapter 2

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Warnings for this chapter:

Sex/smut (start and end warning for it in the chapter, so you can still read the chapter), consent (consent is sexy!), etc

'Party All Night' opened it's doors thirty minutes ago. And now the place is booming. There are two games of Texas holdem poker going on and one game at the pool table. Three people are drinking alcohol at the bar and lots of people are filling the seats infront of the stage. Just a few minutes ago I finished with dancing on the stage, and I opened up for paid requests of any sort.

I'm kind of in the mood for anything. I feel like I could fight god or become god of 'Party All Night' for some reason. Either way, I have a feeling someone is going to pay for a special act from me. Though, it would suck if I had to work with an old man. Like someone in their late fifties, it just is way too awkward for me.

I stared down at the clothing rack with different outfits and different sizes for all the workers here. My thoughts wondered to if I will have to wear something different. I really like this outfit, and it would be sad to change out of it, but then again it would suck getting these clothes dirty...

"Aamod!" My head turned, seeing that it was my boss and her long, light brown hair swaying with her.

"What is it Nancy?" I replied.

"You got a job," she handed me a note with all the info on it. "Make sure to be out there in 10 or less, he is paying big money for it."

With that Boss left, leaving me to look over the note... 150$, 160$ if its really good, for him having sex with me and taking separate showers when were done. He also doesn't care if I change or not, I think I might just take off the fishnets. A bonus is that he is only 21!

I walked out of the break room and into the left side of 'Party All Night', going to the men's bathroom. Once I entered I went to the stall and close the door, locking it just in case. Even though sexual activities in this bathroom are banned. I take off my fishnets and leave the bathroom, with fishnets in hand and the shorts still on my body.

I entered the break room and placed my fishnets down, knowing the other workers don't touch other people's clothes that are not on the clothing rack.

Then I left the stage, heading off to my customer. I found him at a table near the door, and he didn't look that bad. Short blonde hair that is just long enough to wave a little when he walked. He wore a white button up and some black pants with some shiny black shoes. Fancy.

"Hello, sir. I'm the person you requested for correct?" Making sure that we didn't get his order wrong.

"Correct. May you lead me to a private room so we can do our business and after I will pay you." He said his light blue eyes showing me that he was most definitely dominant. Meaning I will be fucked. Too bad, being a switch is fun and all, but usually I'm the one getting fucked. Not me fucking others. Except the ladies, usually.

I sat down next to him, so we could find out which room would be best for it. "What do you want in the room?"

"I supposed a bed, and a side bathroom. None of that kinky stuff." He answered.

"Sounds good, we can go to room 8 then." Mentally I sighed in relief, knowing I won't be hit with a whip or tortured with a dildo and left to squirm for a while until he decides he will actually fuck me.

We both sat up, and pushed our chairs in. Maybe he won't do it rough tonight. Both of our shoes tapped on the floor but you can barely here it over the loud music and many people talking. After just a few moments we arrived at room 8, we entered and I close the door.

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