Knock Knock 2

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Behind the window that night was something not human. Something that could manipulate things you could imagine in movies.


Beep! Beep!

A small finger swipe ended the alarm on the teenager's phone. Silence starting to fill the room.

With a tired struggle, he moved himself out of bed and towards the restroom. Needing to do his business before getting changed.

Once he looked at the mirror he saw himself. A 15 year old Freshmen with a buzz cut. Wearing a red T-shirt and black shorts. But there was a new add on to his person. A cut on the bridge of his nose that was bleeding.

Not knowing what happened or what to do, he went for the first aid kit. Opening the door to the bathroom closet and finding a huge white box. His parents always were worried they would be missing something they needed.

The white box made a loud noise when it hit the ceramic sink. He opened it to find a box of bandaids. One that would fit the big cut on the bridge of his nose.

Barely knowing how to stop a cut from possibly being infected, he used water and a handkerchief to clean up the blood. Then he quickly put on the bandaid.

The bandaid made him think of the iconic bandaid on nose thing. His mind started to wonder to why he had a cut in the first place. He shook his head because it was just going to make him more paranoid.


"What happened to your nose #@$0+" A person in his 1st period asked the teen.

"It's Mason now. And I got cut by my dog when trying to get her to go in her cage for the night." Mason said.

"Cool, cool. Don't forget you will always still be my #@$0+."

Mason groaned at trying to convince others he was Mason and not#@$0+. People are such assholes...

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