Trouble Maker Prince |1|

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In the worker's quarters, there is multiple speakers, for announcements. They have woken us multiple times. The speakers have been here for as long as I remember, and I may had never get tired of the squeaky sound they make before actually working.

Bing! "Edwin Buckley, the King wants you in his office immediately." The scratchy old man's voice announced over the speakers, making everyone most likely staring at me now.

The hairs on my neck stood up, from nervousness. But after a few moments, everyone in the worker bedrooms stopped. I brushed my hair with my fingers, feeling each and every short hair fall out of my grasp progressively.

I put on my light blue converse shoes, I opened the 'newly' painted white door, and twisted the silver knob. The large hallways with some random paintings here and there, welcoming me.

The pitter patter of my feet barely being audible, due to the many others passing in the halls and doing/going to their jobs. The smell of fresh vegetables and chicken entered my nostrils, as I passed by a certain room. Making my mouth water a little.

Once I arrived at a white door (like the others) with a golden sign on it saying 'King Toni's Office', I stopped. I put my right hand into a fist, and knocked on the door three times. Then stopping, and lowering my fist.

"Come in," the King's voice traveled to my ears, as I opened the door.

The office had two bookshelves, almost touching the ceiling, on both sides of the desk. The desk had a computer, pens, pencils and papers. It was partially organized to say the most part.

I bowed, "what is it that you need sir?" I asked with my definitely younger and wavering voice.

After asking the King my question, I stood up normally so we could have eye contact. It would be oh so dearly rude if I didn't make eye contact. Its just common curtesy.

"Please sit in the brown chair infront of you, Edwin." The King practically commanded, the result being me following the order.

The brown chair was cushioned very well I might add, it seemed like a normal office chair though. But not as cheap as a commoner's chair for sure. Though, those are made of wood or strong types of plastic I believe.

"Thank you," the King looked down at a paper for a moment. And looked back up at me. "I would like to address my son, prince Ahyan Rosales." The King breathed a sigh, he seemed distressed for sure. "He has not been doing best with his behavior. It's making a bad outlook on the kingdom." He looked at me, like he was about to expose something rather large, which he did. "I wish for someone around his age to watch over with him 24/7. There is only a few whom are around his age, but most of them have already made an impression with him. Possibly tainting his view on them and may not listen to them as much as he would to someone around his age he doesn't know." The King looked back at his papers, and picked a small stack of possible 4 or 5. "I was wondering if you could be the one to fill this place. The other information is in these papers, and at the end you will sign if you agree to these terms." The King finished, looking at me as if he was trying to read me.

He leaned his hand of stapled papers filled with words towards me. I took them, and let my eyes read over the papers. Learning the full extent of this task, and how it would effect me. As well as other things.

The papers felt so smooth, it felt unreal and the quietness was so loud. Ironic saying isn't it?

Once I finished reading the papers, and was on the last page with a 'sign here' and a line about that waiting for me. I looked at the King, both of us fully understanding I wanted to ask something.

"What about the thing with my face, sir? You know what I mean..." Even though its rude to break eye contact, I diverted my eyes away from his blue ones halfway through.

King Toni pushed aside some of his dirty blonde hairs off his forehead. Making me gasp, not of the hair or the motion, but of what was hidden under it. There was a tattoo saying 'Born To Die' on it. Yet royals aren't supposed to have tattoos, it was very improper that was a for sure.

He let his hair cover the small tattoo again, and looked at me. "Don't worry about it Edwin. If you worry about it so much, you may cover it if you want though." I smiled, and he smiled back an honest smile. "About clothing, we will provide you the two uniforms from the school, and we will give you a catalog of out of school clothing to choose from. We don't want you to feel uncomfortable, would we."

"Thank you sir, you don't have to do that, really." I replied, knowing that would be a lot of effort I bet.

"Don't worry about it, and some of your own private servants will be arriving soon, to bath you and clean you up a bit." He handed over a pen to me, knowing I want to sign the papers. "You can wait in here for now."

I signed the paper, so now above the black line, in cursive, it said "Edwin James Buckley." Handing back the paper, at that moment I knew I couldn't turn back. No matter how heartbroken I may become later on...

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