If You Get A Reason To Be Happy, Take It. Life Is Small (Prologue Finished)

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A black boned skeleton layed on the ground. The black boned skeleton wore a black jacket and a crimson red shirt. He wore black and red basketball shorts. His legs being red like his tennis shoes. Blue tear stained marks on his face that has became some of his source of power, his strings. His eyes being multicolored. And his name scattered all over his body, Error.

Error had his back against the ground. It ached badly from being in an uncomfortable position for way too long. The weirdest thing though about where Error was is the whiteness. Everlasting whiteness that covered everything. There did not seem to be a ceiling yet Error's dark blue strings hanged from the ceiling. His puppets hanged from some of the strings, some souls hanged from the strings. And then there were some puppets that held a Sans's soul for if he needed to control someone while in a battle in the white void. Or really, the anti-void.

Inside Error's mind was many scattered thoughts. Some about how he was in pain. Some thoughts about how he didn't even remember how he got into this situation. Then there were some that would most likely never be found, his thoughts on his past. That have yet to be found, but his amnesia will not let him access them.


On the couch in a large, dark themed mansion was a boss. More like a guardian. His tentacles waving around in the air around him just in case. Always on guard while the inhabitant of the tentacles can relax. A black goop like substance covered his body. He did not take too much mind to it. His eye glowed a dark color that looked like a mix of teal and blue. But that does not matter. Nor does the book that was in his hands. What is important is that this was the guardian of negativity. Giving off only negativity and not caring too much about what his gang members were doing. Just hoping they were not causing any trouble in the mansion.

Nightmare was his name. And when he first was given the name he just understood it as a name that meant he is the other side of the balance. His brother, Dream being the other side. Yet now he does not take his name as a kind yin yang name. Now it is a name to be feared. The name meaning chaos and pain, even your worse fears.


In a bedroom of Nightmare's large mansion was one person in the bedroom. A black and white themed skeleton. Except his right eye glowing red in battle, and his gold locket that he helped make with X-Chara. He was trying to fall asleep. He was not aloud to sleep the night before because of an accident with trying to get his boss to let him visit Epic. Epic is his (Cross's) best friend and they have not hanged out in a while. Nightmare said no and Cross asked again later on. Nightmare said no and last night he snapped to being asked the question once again. Nightmare told Cross that he had to clean the whole mansion as a punishment. Cross complied with this. Cross was now getting in the rest he needed.

Cross was slowly starting to loose consciousness. Thoughts about Epic and him one day sneaking away from Nightmare's mansion and hanging out. With another meme war maybe starting that would only last for the day. Only Cross, X-Chara, and Epic really knew of the joyful and meme side of Cross. Cross just disliked the idea of others knowing, because he knew he would feel more awkward around them if they did.


In one of the hangout rooms of the gang's mansion was three skeletons. Infront of the skeletons was a television that had the game, "Donkey Kong Country" on it. They all needed a break and decided to take turns playing video games.

The skeleton that was having his turn had a grey and blue hoodie on. His hood was up and his right eyelight would glow a red and teal color. He wore a white undershirt like most Sans Aus do. He also held a grey video controller in his bony hands. There was a ghost papyrus that only the skeleton could see. Even if the ghost papyrus was just a skull, gloves, and a red scarf. This was Dust Sans. And his dead brother that now haunts him, Dusttale Papyrus.

Dust needed a break from having to worry about killing and his brother has left him for a while to not be watching over his shoulder. So Dust decided to hang out with his two best friends in the gang. Resulting in them playing Donkey Kong Country. A fun Nintendo game that many love.

On Dust's left was a skeleton that had no eyelights at all. It is just black nothingness in his eyes. The skeleton had hate coming from his eyes, probably because before in his Au he teamed up with Chara and killed everyone in their universe. But then he left the Au. He wore an even darker shade of blue hoodie without the hood being up. His red soul was being shown. A red target. He had a small grin on his face.

This was Killer. He was smiling a nice grin on his face because he was having a good time. Originally he did not have emotions. Because of the corruption of hate. Except for the part that the guardian of negativity used some of his powers to give Killer emotion. This is only due to the part that Nightmare felt that it was boring having one of his gang members emotionless.

The last skeleton was on Dust's right. This skeleton had a large hole in his skull. Due to the injury he went a little crazier than if he never got the injury some of the Sans Aus believe. But that is just a rumor, and you can not believe every rumor true. He had almost the same type of jacket as Killer. Except his soul was not being shown, because it is not really normal to even have your soul showing. But Killer is an exception. The skeleton had teeth that were a bit sharper than the others with him.

Horror was the name of this skeleton. Horror felt that it was always nice to hang out with his friends. And was enjoying his time with them. The three of them together even became the "Murder Time Trio" because of how close their friendship is.


Across the multiverse was three skeletons having a hangout day. Because that they had no work to do at this time in the evening they decided to hang out and have some fun. One of them was cooking in the kitchen. One was painting while sitting at the edge of a glass table. And the last one was flipping through Netflix for a movie with a remote.

The skeleton that was cooking in the kitchen wore some bright blue gloves. He wore a light grey shirt with blue outlining. His shorts were dark grey and showed little of his legs because of his blue boots. He wore his signature blue bandanna, scarf, whatever you call it. As it was tied in the back to make it less likely to slip off just like that. The skeleton's eyes were blue in the shapes of stars. That is because he is one of the Star Sanses, Blueberry Sans.

Blueberry was having the time of his life as he was cooking his favorite dish. Tacos. Blueberry had his very cheery attitude that made most people around him joyful as well. Even though he is not like the guardian of positivity, like his best friend. But Blueberry was making tacos and this time he actually made tacos and not an impostor of the tacos as some think of it as.

The skeleton that was painting wore a dark brown shirt that had black buckles on it. Across his chest was a strap that held his vials that were the cure to his soullessness. Almost atleast, but it makes it like he has a soul. Around his neck was a brown scarf that faded to an almost white color. Around his waist held a blue sweatshirt. He wears really baggy shorts with very dark brown pants that goes above his ankle. There are some light blue patterns here and there on his very dark brown pants. He wore tennis shoes that he very liked. His eyelights were a blue circle and a yellow star at the moment. But may change later because of the vials he owns.

This was Ink Sans. His love of creation driving him into painting a painting. Blueberry had encouraged him to do it to see if he could let out some of his skills on a canvas instead of making another Au. When Ink asked why not another Au, Blue said it was better that he had more of a layout first so he doesn't have a half dead Au by accident. Ink barely thinking of it, agreed to his cheerful friend.

Lastly there was the guardian of positivity flipping through the channels on the television. Around his head was his golden circlet that he refuses to take off. As it reminds him of his brother, Nightmare before an accident that happened. Anyways, He wears a light blue vest with golden outlines. Dream wears a cape that is like a scarf in the front. The scarf part in the front splits into two gradually and has stripes of orange to a darker shade of gold. He wore dark blue pants and yellow boots with small blue tracings on them. His eyelights being normal yellow circles.

This was Dream, the brother of Nightmare. Dream held guilt in his soul from his brother's accident in his Au, very long time ago. The accident ended up with himself turning into stone for a long while after absorbing the last golden apple. Dream had mostly gotten over that guilt but sometimes it would come back at him. Today was not one of those days, today was one of those days he would hang out with his best friends and have a good time. He was sure of it. 

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