The Beginning (Unfinished)

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Warnings for this chapter: Starvation, slapping children, yelling, thinking a condition is just an excuse for 'mistakes', neglecting mother, self hate, etc

His hair was messy and blonde. His eyes blue and with a hint of desperation mixed with hope. The shirt he wore was white and the upper parts of it was red. His jeans were dark blue and had some holes in them.

The day had started off normally with him putting on a jacket and sneaking out of his window. He would climb onto the roof of the two story house and watch the moon shine through the dark. It always amazed him and he sometimes would lay there for hours just enjoying it. But he knew that the sun was going to rise in an hour or two.

So after a small while, he slipped back through his window, and inside his room. He then took off his jacket and decided to have an early start on his chores. His chores were to clean the dishes and clean anything that looked dirty around the house. Nothing that bad, pretty simple actually. The problem is, some of the things in this house are sorted by color. You might be like "how is that so bad?" Well, I don't want to spoil, but he can't really do good with colors per say. (I will let more intel on it later) So he would mess up when sorting things by color and get in big trouble with harsh punishments.

But we should just skip to the present time so it makes it easier. You can just understand along the way.

Tommy was washing up his last dish. He placed it into the blue dish rack and turned off the water. He gently placed the sponge on the sink and reached for a towel to dry his hands. Thankfully, earlier he had placed a light colored towel near the sink.

His parents walked into the front room and sat down on the couch. It was just before noon and the sun was getting more heated by the minute.

Tommy felt relieved he had no more chores for the day, and now could play some video games. As he walked out of the room, he heard his father call for him.

"Can you do me a favor and try not to mess up when I tell you to clean off the counter and sort out the mail?" His dad called out angerly, as Tommy walked back to where his father sat down.

"I am sorry father." Tommy called out, hoping that this would calm his father down a bit. It did not like always.

"Don't you dare do that wimpy little 'I am sorry' towards me! You should learn how to do things correctly for once. And stop blaming that 'condition' the doctor said you had!" His father yelled at him. As his mother just scrolled on her phone, not giving a care in the world. "You won't have any lunch today, no video games, and if you disobey I will put you back in the basement!"

His father then nodded for Tommy to leave. 

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