Pretty Boy | Scars

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There are many types of scares. Most, if not all of them can be sorted in two categories.

Physical, and mental.

Physical being things like the always shaky hands and constantly bloody noses. Or the scars on his legs and arms. And the carved in smiley face on his back. And the scars around his eyes, and lips. And the explosion scars here and there.

Mental being things like the flinching away and the large list of fears and triggers. The need to keep his belongings close to him at all times. The want to keep 'positive' family relations with his family. The need to be touched, being touch starved per say. The need to think that Dream is his friend, when he really is not.


Anyone can have scars, but usually there are not too many. Wether it being mental or physical. Yet Tommy Innit has too many of both to count. This story is about those scars. 

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