A Week (-Staying Up Till Half Past Five-)

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(Each Chapter is going to be inspired by a song on my music playlist. So the story is going to be kind of messy. That's the point. The song that inspired this chapter is called "The Weekend - The Hills")

Warnings: Alcohol, slight refrence to drinking and smoking problems, people being tipsy, etc

The monitor infront of the brunette showed a small message for the owner of the computer.

Stream ended.

The brunette gave a sigh and moved his black beanie more on the side, than it was before. Brushing his hair out, making it more clean. And shifting his circle gold rimmed glasses slightly making it so they sat more comfortably on his nose.

After giving a few other adjustments to his attire he sat up, stretching from being strapped to his gaming chair for a long while. Wilbur glanced to his bed and shook his head. Telling himself that he didn't want to go to sleep at 10pm-11pm ish today.

Grabbing his phone in the process, Wilbur exited the room. Wilbur already had a dark brown jacket on and socks, adding his shoes to it that were right next to the front door.

With a small creak, the front door opened for the brunette to enter/exit through. The small breeze in the darkened sky brushed away the brunette's curls covering his face. Wilbur closed the front door and headed out to his black car, its not that new but not that old either.

The car was given to him about 2 and a half years ago. When he had heard the news about getting a new car he was thrilled to say the least. His older one had smelled way too much like alcohol and cigarettes for his liking. Plus it was torn in many places throughout the uncomfortable seating. The new car was definitely a plus and helped Wilbur grow out of some habits. And he made sure to take better care of this vehicle.

Wilbur slipped into the driver's seat, plugging in the car's keys. The car's engine roared for a second, the sound dying down by a lot after that. His right finger pressed a button on the dashboard, turning on the music.

Sadly it wasn't one of his newest songs, instead it was a song called 'Savage Love' its a more popular song now a days. Wilbur didn't dislike the song, he just had a different song preference.

While tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the current song on the radio, his car raced down the streets to a liquor shop.

After ten minutes or so he arrived at a small shop that literally said 'Liquor Shop" above the swinging doors. Thankfully, the lights where still turned on in the shop.

The brunette got himself out of his car, going inside the liquor store. After just a few moments the brunette had found what he wanted. Wilbur handed the worker his money, heading back to his house in the black car.


Wilbur set down the alcoholic beverage on his counter, grabbing a cup from his cabinet. Even though the brunette has lowered the amount of Vodka he drinks, he still drinks it when he likes.

The brunette had chosen one of those fancy wine glasses he stored in his cabinet, to hold the Vodka. Hating how he used to drink straight from the bottle.

About an hour later and a third of the bottle was gone. Because Wilbur hasn't drank as much he was becoming tipsy.

Wasn't that the perfect time for him to get a discord notification on his phone. Wilbur grabbed his phone, reading the message.

Technoblade: Was wondering, want to talk a bit?

The brunette, not giving a care called Technoblade on discord, still sitting on his kitchen counter. Having placed his glass of Vodka on the left side of him.

"Hey Techno!" Wilbur exclaimed once Technoblade had answered.

"Hey Wil, was wondering if we could meet up sometime?"

"That would be fun, what would we do?"

"Hang out, and stuff."

"That would be cool Tech!"

Technoblade sighed, "you giving me another nickname?" It was more like a statement than a question, actually.

"What? It sounds cute!" (No shipping, this is all platonic!!!)

"Are you good Wil?"

"Yah, why?"

"Your acting a bit off today."

"Eh, just had a bit of Vodka, ya know."

"I thought you stopped drinking Wil!" Technoblade sounded a bit concerned, Wil didn't care too much though.

"I know, just wanted to cheat today. Lol"

"We can talk more in the morning, go to sleep soon. You'll need it." Technoblade hanged up.

The brunette sighed and drank more of the Vodka. Leaving about half of the bottle filled and closed before sleeping later that night.

Around 5:30am or so Wilbur finally passed out, knowing his head was going to kill him or atleast ache in a few hours.

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