Scattered | Tommyinnit Story (prologue)

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On Tommy's top bunk there was a pile of papers scattered on his blankets. Some with just drawings, others with just words, and some with both.

The paper that Tommy was holding in his left hand had a drawing of a blonde boy with blue eyes, like himself, wearing a green button-up shirt and had some bees swarming him. With the boy's smile pure of innocence and joy.

This drawing was Tommy's first one. He named the character Tyler, he loved bees, he was his best friend, and all this stuff. It was a cool creation to be honest.

But he felt that Tyler was not enough, so he drew another character. This character had short brown hair with curls at the end. He had light brown eyes and wore a yellow sweater. This character was named West. He loved to play the guitar and sings songs like 'Your New Boyfriend'. He also was very loyal to Tyler and Tommy. He was like an older brother figure.

This led onto Tommy wanting to make it so he had two older brother figures. But he wanted to add some more flare into this design. He wanted to make something like a hybrid so he went to ask one of the kids at the orphanage of some animal ideas. The kid thought to the top of her head and said 'a pig or a chicken.'

So Tommy drew a character that was like a human pig. The character had pink skin, red eyes, and a royal type of look. This is because Tommy thought maybe the human pig would feel higher ranked than others with it's extra abilities and stuff.

Tommy named the character to Travis. Travis liked going against the government and if he got a favor in return, he was very loyal to his allies. But because Travis looked down upon the humans so much he would murder some of them and blame it on his 'voices'.

The 15 year old liked the idea of this character and used the orphanage kid's other animal idea, a chicken.

Tommy didn't want to make someone that was just like a chicken, so he decided to just add wings to this character.

He made this character have a more dad type look with a green jacket and black wings. This character was later on named Paul. Paul is the father type figure because he is older and looks after the others. But he is also like a peer because of how fun he is to be around.

After making these four characters Tommy was satisfied for a bit. But he wanted more. So he made many more characters with names and personality traits. That even he questioned how he came up with them. He wrote this all down on paper of course, because he felt its easier to express than being on his phone.

After a while Tommy had made a whole world to put the characters into. He made the storylines, the arcs, and everything. He even included himself into the story as well.

The plots were inspired by daily things. Like the music he loved to listen to is why he made the 'music discs' so important to him in the plot. Or the fact that one day in the orphanage some of the kids were fighting over which pets are better. So that inspired the pet war, but he made this more dramatic and extreme. It all pieced together in a puzzle and it fit. So he kept doing it.

He would work on the world and the characters daily, making sure to not miss a detail. He would hide in this world he has created so he didn't have to talk to others. Sometimes he would skip meals just to add a detail to a character.

It got to the point that people got nervous to talk to him about it. So he was ignored. Tommy didn't care though, why should he? All he had to do was get good grades in school and eat three meals a day. Not caring when he eats them, just having to eat them. And he had to not break any rules. (Which he only broke one, technically. Staying up past bedtime) So he didn't care about what the others thought.

But one day all of this changed.

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