One Thing After Another (Chapter 2 Unfinished)

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Error's POV:I awoken up in my bed. It is 9:28 am. Or atleast that is what my alarm says. Today is one of the day's that Fresh works. So that means me and Fresh have to dress up and figure out what product Fresh will advertise and how to advertise it. I just hope Fresh has not deleted the email with the information yet.I sat up in my bed and changed into my casual attire. A black hoodie with cuts and stitches in it, a dark red shirt underneath, and black pants. I was ready and walked out of my room.I walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. Fresh was sitting on the couch scrolling on his colorful phone. I pulled out two bowls, a cereal box, and chocolate milk. Fresh and I do a lot together, except when at Fresh's 'job' we split up. I poured the cereal and chocolate milk into the bowl, "Fresh. I got us some cereal. Can you show what were doing for your job today?" I announced.Fresh took a bowl and sat down at the table with me. He scrolled a little more on his phone while scooping up cereal. He found what he was looking for and paused eating his cereal."Dear Fresh Adams,Today you are going to advertise some party outfits. They should arrive around 1 pm. Error is allowed to come as always. The party you are going to is at ***. The party starts at 5 pm and ends at 3 am. The party has dinner there. I expect you to stay the whole time. And advertise the party outfits in some way, I do not mind which way. Also in the package with the outfits is the invitations and the other things needed or advised to be used. -Mr. Henson- "Fresh read out loud. As I nodded and processed the info. We took a few more bites of our cereal, "so it seems kinda easy this time. I wonder what type of party it is." I said to Fresh."Maybe it is a loose type party or something. But I am not drinking if there is any." Fresh said."I agree. I just want to hangout there, advertise, and maybe hack a bit. Maybe meet some interesting people." I announced."Yah, we should finish our food first. Then maybe talk to Nighty a little!" Fresh exclaimed.We finished our food and put the dishes in the sink. We got to my room and opened the door. Fresh and I got my computer and sat on the bed. I first turned my computer so I could hack into Night's device without Fresh seeing. When I was finished I turned it back to Fresh and typed.(Mr._Achy offline)HeyHeyHeyPick up!(Mr._Achy online)Mr._Achy: What?How is it with Dream now?Mr._Achy: You should knowI just want your opinionMr._Achy: better, I supposeIsn't it a bit childish though, you are both 24. Mr._Achy: what about you? Isn't hacking a childish bitNah, it isn't. What is childish is playing with toys or talking 'baby talk'Mr._Achy: True, but why did you text me this early?Because I was boredMr._Achy: do you even go to school or something? Because you are always online when I am and stuff. Do you even sleep?That is way too many questions.Mr._Achy: Can you atleast tell me something! That would end up with you probably going to the authorities or trying to find out who I amMr._Achy: why do you want to keep your identity a secret?Why does not one give out personal information like candy on the internet?Mr._Achy: touche

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