Commotion (Chapter 1 Unfinished)

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Loud noises? What type of loud noises? Ear piecing? Yes. Ear piecing loud noises. Monster voices. Screaming. Ear piecing screaming. Joyful? No. Painful. Painful ear piercing screaming. Yes. That is what it is. There seems to be a white substance. Flour? No, something like that though. Glitter? No. Dust? Yes. Dust all over. With another substance. Dark reddish brown color all over as well. Warm feeling mostly when fresh I think. Yah. Blood. I got it! There is painful ear piercing screaming, with dust and blood all over.

Why are they screaming? The blood and dust must be theirs right? Yes. That is it! In the underground it seems. In the underground I am killing people and the ones alive are screaming. Another Au getting destroyed.


I awoke from the nightmare. More like a thought from the past. They always haunt me since what had happened a year ago.

The bed I was laying on was white with two black blankets covering me. No headboard, one white and puffy pillow. On the side of the bed is a dark brown nightstand. Two drawers. The first one filled with papers. The second one filled with puppets of skeletons. On top of the nightstand is a yellow and blue lamp. A phone with a black phone case was connected to a charger that sat on the nightstand. The closet across from the bed was half open. The door being white, like the rest of the room. Inside was clothes that were only prime colors. All of it mine, except a full blue jacket that was Killer's. The carpet being a really light tan color, almost a white. A big computer on the desk to the left of the closet. The computer being closed and off at the moment.


I sat up on my bed and looked over to my phone. I pushed the warm blankets off of my body and pulled the charger off my phone. The phone made a dinging sound as it became into my clutches.

I walked out of my bedroom slowly, still a bit drowsy from just waking up. I could hear my small footsteps in the small apartment of mine. I arrived at the bedroom door of mine.

I opened the door to hear a small creak as it revealed the hallway. I walked down the hallway to enter a normal apartment living room and kitchen. With the morning sunlight creeping in through the curtains. Giving the room some light but not enough to hurt my eyes right away.

For I was not hungry yet, I decided to sit on the couch and see if anything was on the news. Before watching my normal show on Netflix. The couch has always been a brown color since I bought it and even comfier than the bean bag I used to sleep on in the Anti-Void.

When I got onto the news it showed a woman, most likely a news reporter on the television.

"Hello, and this is channel 8. Today we are going to talk about the robbery in *** that happened last night." The woman rambled on.

It was getting annoying as hell. So I just grabbed the black remote and switched it to Netflix. The Netflix sign showed up and I waited for it to load. 

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