Multiverse Reset (Prologue Finished)

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Three skeletons were being chased. The three skeletons were Error sans, Blueberry sans, and Ink sans. They were running from an 'Unknown source' at the moment. They were running towards a glowing red button. The button being in a square shape and being in the black void.

The three skeletons all arrived at the button and put their three hands on the button. They closed their eyes and took a deep breathe. They looked at each other.

"You promise if you remember the Multiverse Reset, that you meet together at Outertale Copy #3582." Ink told the others, almost out of breath.

"Yes!" Blue exclaimed with tears down his face.




The button was pressed and turned green as it made a dinging sound. Happy tears dripped off the cheeks of the three. They were going to be saved...


Error awoke in his dark blue strings. He tried to remember what just happened. Like on cue, it all hit him hard. The trauma already haunting Error.

The dark black smoke chased them through the white halls. The halls feeling endless with countless doors to who knows where. The others were gone. Blue had an injured left eye. His eye kept twitching and seemed to be blind now. He wore a big bandage over it, not having anything else to use. Ink's paintbrush was lost and deleted along with his viles. But Ink somehow gotten his soul restored on the way. Error having pain throughout his body constantly with his glitches being held in for way too long for anyone.

"We have to find the button and reset!" Ink exclaimed.

"I will hold it off!" Blue exclaimed while getting ready to pull the sword off his back!

Error picked up Blue and started to drag him, until Blue got the idea. "We can't loose you too!" Error stopped talking for a second. "Don't want you to have the same fate as Dream..."

This comment made everyone quiet in a tense silence. But they could not worry about that. As their time was running out.

Error started to cry. The tears walked down his face. He remembered what Ink had told him. Error jumped off his blue strings.

Error made a white glitchy portal to Outertale #3582. Error walked through carefully.


Blue was in his colorful bedroom. The bed that he was in feeling very comfy and such. But that did not help with Blue's mood. He had remembered, and guessed the others did too. But maybe not the others, just really Ink and Error. The Reset Trio. (If you make fan art of the Reset Trio, please give me credit and spread the word. I want to make this popular. Sorry if that came out rude)

Blue recalled a horrific memory.

Dust was running towards the dark mist version of Undyne. They were in the scenery of the forest. Dust had the courage and thought he had the strength to defeat the dark mist version of Undyne. He did murder the classic Undyne more than once. He was very wrong.

The battle ended with Dust on the ground. One of Undyne's glowing blue spears through Dust's soul. The dark mist version of Undyne grinning an evil grin. This made Blue's bones shiver. Dust disappeared into nothing but his ashes. (I say ashes, even though I know it is dust)

Blue remembered one thing for sure though, to go to a certain Outertale Au. But first he had to make himself a better or really a more updated outfit to look nice. Or atleast to look more like he did before.

Blue disappeared off to his own separate bathroom for his changing clothes all the time reasons. He wore a light blue shirt with grey outlines. Because Blue did not have many hoodies he just wrapped his only hoodie, the color of faded orange from Sketch. He also put a proper eye bandage around his left eye to feel more normal.

Blue walked outside of his room to see Dream watching some television. Dream had not noticed Blue yet, because of his skills he earned before.. Anyways, he sat down on the kitchen counter waiting for Ink. To see if Ink remembered as well.


Ink seemed to have woken looking like he fell asleep painting again. That felt so long ago for him and the Reset Trio. He decided to first sit up and check if he had the soul that was given to him.

Turns out that even though the Multiverse Reset happened he still had a soul. That was nice, but he can't just walk out of his bedroom without his broomie and vials. Or that would cause suspicion.

So Ink just didn't clean up his mess, like usual before the big stuff happened before. He put on his vials and broomie. He then put sunglasses over his eyes to hide his now not changing eyelights. Just the eyelights being circles that were rainbow, partially changing like Color.

Ink walked outside of his bedroom to find Blue sitting on the counter wearing an eye patch and an orange hoodie. This made Ink believe that Blue and Error remembered as well. Blue was munching on a granola bar like it was the last piece of food there was. And Dream still was clueless while being on the couch. Blue noticed Ink and ran up to hug Ink. Ink knew he had to do something first.

The black portal towards Outertale was opened. On the other side Error noticed and smiled. Blue and Ink walked through to see Error pacing around...


If you could please spread the idea of the Reset Trio that would be great. I am not trying to be bragging about it. But it is original and I think that it would be cool, plus if it was known enough I feel that it could get popular. And just give me credit!

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