Two Different Lives (Chapter 2 Unfinished)

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The picture above, is Fresh Sans. He is the second skeleton of this story.



I felt the familiar warmth of my jacket go around my shoulders. It always just felt wrong not wearing my jacket so I wear it all the time. I don't understand why it feels odd to not wear my jacket. Maybe because I wear it a alot? Or maybe it is normal to feel that way, but some peole just don't midn it? I don't know.

I stopped paying attention to my rad jacket and instead, looked at the small hanging mirror in my radical bedroom. I stared deepily into the mirror, seeing my left eye socket having an upside down white heart. The white heart had a small crack in it, which is normal for me. It always just bothered me, for I didn't want to stand out that much. So I keep my eye sockets hidden behind my dank shades. And with that, I put my shades on.

I slipped on my hat. My look was finally finished, which even the smallest things can sometimes feel like it takes forever. When actually it takes only a matter of minutes. Maybe it is because I don't understand feelings that the 'time flies by when having fun' works for me. I don't know, but what I do know is I might start bugg'n myself.

I looked back at the mirror and gave out a small smile. It is very odd that I feel so empty and stuff. Yet smiling feels right, maybe it is? It may also be that frowning all day is unrad and just not smiling or frowning at all is buzz kill.

My feet tap on the ground, I didn't pay attention to it, for I didn't need to really. As I walked out of my fresh bedroom and got to the door. I turned the smooth knob and the door made a clicking sound, signalling that it was open. I pulled the knob back and slightly backed up so the door could open. I walked out of the door to the hallway.

I arrived in my living room. The living room was very empty, for I didn't really feel I need anything in it. Plus what would I put in it? I don't know. 

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