The Dark School (Unfinished)

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Helith high, is a school where all of the students are from 10-18 years old. The classes teach all among many things. The dorms are large and fit for the students. Not even needing a roommate, so they can have privacy and more individuality. Or atleast, that is what the principal said on the first day of school to the students every single year. As well as answering questions even if the majority of the students get bored out of their mind while listening to the principal for two and a half hours.


Jonath laid down on his bed in his dorm. The pillow was slightly tilted to the left as he slept soundly, like a young child. One of his two blue blankets was on the ground, from him kicking it off when he was asleep. The other blanket draping over him, keeping him warm.

He felt that he could get cold very easily, no matter what he wore. He was a bit small for being seventeen. His hair was a messy brown. His hair was cut short but not too short that it looked like his hair was shaved. His eyes were a light brown, giving his hair to stand out a little more with it's darker appearance. His eyes showed mostly purity. (Mostly) He was wearing black leggings that he got from a near by mall and he wore a grey shirt. The shirt was doctor strange themed, from how much he loved the Marvel movies.

Jonath moved around a little as he awoke by his alarm on the nightstand. His phone's alarm sound was always so annoying. As the music on it was actually just someone saying "I SMELL PENNIES!!!" He once got pranked by having his ringtone changed and never really bothered to change it.

He sat himself up and turned to his nightstand. He turned off his alarm as he checked through his texts. It seemed that Maree was texting him about if they could hang out later. Jonath felt a bit of guilt of not texting immediatly back. But with a click, he sent her a message back. As the guilt quickly faded away.

<Jonath_> Gotta get some groceries for myself later and homework. So I can't go, srry. See ya in class

Jonath placed his phone back on the nightstand as he hopped off his bed. He walked over to his closet and opened it. The sad part about his closet is that, the patterns of his fashion's beauty is not aloud to be expressed at school. He had to wear a light grey uniform with a red tie striped with a darker shade of grey. As he slid the uniform on he looked at his hair. After a bit he had his backpack on and ready, with his shoes and everything needed for class.

He opened the door for his dorm and walked out to hear some chatter already. While he walked through the halls it was just filled with thoughts of what he wanted to eat next week for meals.

With bad luck, he accidentally tripped and fell. One of his enemies, a tall girl with long black hair and light blue eyes. Her name was Sarah, and the two of them were on a very bad basis. 

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